2. first job with the port mafia

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you were woken up by an order to be in moris office as soon as possible, you dressed yourself and decided to take your sweet time getting to the port mafias base where moris office was because, number one: you didn't wanna be there in the first place, and two: the guy that mori put in charge of you is annoying. you hated people who thought they were better than everyone, and that's the vibe he gave off, it pissed you off. you're not saying he has to be humble about how strong he is but he doesn't have to act like THAT. you walked into moris office with both males annoyed at you for your late arrival. you felt the tension in the room the moment you entered. akutgawa turned to face you "you're late." akutagawa murmured coldly then turned back around. mori sighed and decided to let it slide because it's your first day

"y/n, akutagawa. i need you two to assassinate a mole who has been selling port mafia information. he has no special abilities but he is physically strong. he'll be at a club tonight. kill him under any means." mori then explained how you guys would have to be in disguise so he wouldn't run and you two wouldn't cause a scene.
you knew akutgawa wasn't normally sent out on low class jobs like this, so it just proved your suspicions that this was just a test of your abilities. you deadpanned and let out an annoyed sigh.

you left moris office and you had time to kill before night fall, not like the time was yours though, you had to shadow akutagawa. you followed closely behind him and decided to try and talk to the cocky ravenette. "akutagawa?"

"what is it." he said coldly

"you used to live in the slums didn't you? i mean, that's the only reason i can think of as to why you know your way around so well."

the whole mood around you two changed, you felt like you had just said something wrong. "i did." was all he said then it was silent for a moment. you wanted to speak but the tension in the air told you this was a touchy subject. "if you plan on wasting my time with pointless conversation, then just shut up." he stated. you decided to stay silent the rest of the time u had to shadow him before the job.

nightfall was approaching quickly so you and akutagawa stoped walking through the halls of the base and stoped in front of a bathroom. "it's time to get ready y/n"

the first time you two had spoken in hours. you stared at him confused. "ready?" you questioned. he handed you a bag that the boss handed him earlier. inside was a short black dress. you stared at akutagawa with an eyebrow raised

"the bosses idea to not cause a scene, seduce him into being alone with you then kill him." he replied to the face you gave him.

"where is your sexy little dress akutagawa?" you joked.

"i look fine as i am" he shot back an icey glare at you.

'jeez get a sense of humor' you thought to yourself

you changed out of your dirty clothes, a pair of dirty grey sweatpants and a random band tee. you took a look at the dress and let out a sigh 'damn this really is short' you thought.

you stepped into it and shimmied it up your torso. you took a quick look in the bathroom mirror and posed for yourself.
you walked out after admiring your reflexion for a bit.

you're gorgeous, perfect for this undercover seduction job. you walked out to show akutagawa and did a little 'taadaa' motion with ur hands, only for him to roll his eyes and start walking to the car parked outside that was supposed to take you to the club. you ran up to him and tried for a response
"heyy?? whaddooya think?"

"i think if your searching for a compliment, you should search elsewhere, you don't deserve praise from me for looking less repulsive."

you put your hand on your heart dramatically at his backhanded comment. you then laughed
"you know what akutagawa, that probably has to be the nicest thing you have said to me in the past two days." he scoffed at you.

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