5. secrets

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(quick a/n: happy new years!! it's been a few days since my last update, because I have been editing the other chapters I published and tweaking them just a little. 56 reads i'm so greatful! I love you all so much keep reading my work and comment what you think! majority of this chapter is just more details about your special ability. I felt it was important to add this so later chapters would make sense, and so your character would be more useful in battle.)

since that chat in the car you noticed that akutagawa seemed more hostile to you. as if he had put up extra walls to keep you out. he didn't like the fact that you were getting to him damnit! he tried to hold his own. it irritated him that you managed to charm your way into the most broken of hearts, his own.

you were in akutagawa's office sitting upside down in one of his chairs that are by his desk. watching him type a report. you got bored and started making little russian nesting dolls one by one by licking your palm. you got out of your chair and started lining them up on the edge of his desk. his rashōmon knocked them down as soon as you had them all lined up perfectly. you groaned in annoyance going to pick them up. "must you annoy me every hour of the day?" akutagawa sighed

"well i'm bored and starving" you pouted

"can't you just make food with your ability?" he rolled his eyes.

"guess i could, but things i materialize only exist for 24 hours. so eating food i make with my ability would be a horrible way to die." i sighed "if i ate food i materialized out of water, when it would try to disappear 24 hours later my stomach would've already digested it. so when something is taken from your body, that doesn't exist anymore. you die. pretty damn fast too with horrible stomach pain."

akutagawa looked at you interested. "that wasn't on your file." he raised his eyebrow

"i'd sure hope not. that time limit on my ability is a drawback.."

akutagawa got up from his chair and started walking towards you. He got close to the point where you started backing up to avoid him bumping into you. once your back slammed against the wall, he stopped in front of you. "what else are you not telling us?" his eyes narrowed at you.

"why does that matter? The mafia knows all about my ability for the most part. it's not my fault that you weren't informed."

akutagawa grabbed your neck hard and started "I just said I looked at your official port mafia file. that file has a picture of you and everything we know about you. It's what I used to capture you. that wasn't on there. don't make me repeat myself. What are you not telling us?" he growled out

you tried to swallow your own spit, but the hand around your throat made it impossible. you tapped on Akutagawa's arm to try and signal him to let go. If he wanted information out of you, he was going to have to. akutagawa let go and threw you on the floor. "talk." he said in a warning low tone.

you coughed heavily and panted loudly. "the only drawback of my ability is the time limit." you said through gritted teeth, glaring at his legs

"l can control the size of the things I materialize. so for example I could make a fully working pistol about the size of a quarter, it will affect the size of the bullets, but it won't affect the strength of the bullets. A pistol I make that small could still kill. and be easily hidden. and I don't have to be touching it to control the size of it if i made it." you pointed at the largest Russian nesting doll that you had made earlier. it was on its side on the floor by akutagawa's desk. Akutagawa turned his head as you made the little doll about the size of a mini fridge.

Akutagawa's focus returned back to you. "what do you mean you don't have to be touching it if you made it?"

you got an evil idea and stretched out your arm and touched your superiors ankle with your palm. making him a mere 3 feet tall. you ignored the pain in your throat while you threw your head back in laughter. akutagawa found this joke to be less amusing than you did. rashomon came out of his small back but it was still as strong as it was when he was full sized he pinned you to the wall with his ability and told you to change him back. The sudden force to your back stopped your laughter. your surprised he didn't throw you through the wall with how hurt your back was.

"alright alright it was just a joke" you coughed. you stretched out your hand, and motioned for him to come toward you. rashomon brought his smaller body up to your height, and you touched his chest with your palm. akutagawa returned to his previous height of 5'8. "now let me down!" you yelled struggling

"no. if you want to act like a child i'll treat you like one. you're staying there while i finish my report" he said while backing away from you and going back to sit at his desk the typing on his keyboard then continued.

'did a man only a year older than me just put me in time out..? ' you thought.

he looked up for just a second and told you "after I'm done with this we have a job. we are to go in the bosses place to officiate a deal with another gang related to weapon shipments. The Black Lizard will be accompanying us."

you sighed dramatically and hung your head.

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