3. adjusting to a life of crime

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it's been about a month since you were forced into the port mafia, to make things worse they made you akutagawas lap dog, you feel like he's warming up to you now though, you think.. you've charmed your way into the hearts of most others in the port mafia. and you've even made some
acquaintances. A sassy redhead who goes by the name of chuuya nakahara, and a little girl named kyoka izumi.

after being on the run for so long you had to have some charm to get what you wanted. you are just trying to get through to your superior. but damn is he dense.

he showed up at your apartment unannounced this morning, "we have a job to do y/n" he announced through your house. he walked over to your bed room and repeated himself. you opened your eyes slightly saw his slim figure in the door way of your room. you groaned dramatically seeing the man with black hair and frosted tips. you threw a pillow at him and rolled back over. the pillow was skewered by his ability and ruined.

"y/n  this is serious, we need to gather information for the boss" he coughed. "mori says i'm not allowed to just leave without you anymore." he said annoyed

you sighed a sigh of defeat and got ready. people now know your face is attached to the port mafia. which kinda sucks since you didn't wanna be attached to such an organization. any organization matter of fact. but it was either this or death so you've accepted this.

your job was simply, spy on certain someone's from the detective agency and stay undetected.

your orders were to spy on the weretiger that's hanging around with an ex port mafia executive. 
atsushi nakajima and osamu dazi, as you were walking, you were shown pictures of both quickly by your hot headed superior. "these are our targets, got it?" he questioned. you raised an eyebrow at the second printed out photograph he gave you.
"his name is dazi?" you questioned, holding up the picture. when you asked that question you saw a look in akutagawas eyes that you had never seen before. but only for a second before he calmly replied "yes."

"i've met him before" you stated

"really? when? how?" he said almost yelling

"woah where's all this excitement coming from?" you laughed "I have never seen you like this Akutagawa" you said teasingly

suddenly his Rashōmon was pointing at your throat. "when did you meet him." he scowled. you let out a loud gulp.

"okay okay jeez, I met him in a café about three months ago, he sat down with me and we just chatted, well he chatted, and I mostly listened to him ramble on about suicide, definitely not one of my best encounters with a man" you deadpanned. akutagawa seemed satisfied enough with that answer, and removed his black blade from by your throat. "so why do you wanna know? you have a crush on him or something?" you joked

"no." he shot back, his voice full of venom. "I worked under him when he was in the port mafia. he made me who I am, but still never acknowledged my abilities." a sudden darkness washed over his face when he said that. you were going to say something back, but he shushed you quickly. "they're here."

you two obviously knew where they were supposed to be today so you hurried over. you crouched on top of a buildings third floor with a semi cracked window you two watched the two men from up above as they talked to people on the street, akutagawa watched like a hawk while staying hidden, how he could even slightly hear what they were saying is a mystery to you. you were told to dress casually as to not bring attention to yourself.

he had tried not bringing attention to himself, he was dressed in his day off attire with his iconic black cloak, and some sunglasses.

'was that really not supposed to bring attention to him? he looks the same as always.' you thought, remembering your orders to dress casually.

you just threw on whatever since he was rushing you out the door. you stay quiet next to him. you tried to whisper to him, but he shushed you immediately.

not only were you bored but your stomach was breaking akutagawas "stay quiet" rule. though technically, he was breaking his own rule too because of all of that damn coughing.

anyways you decided to sneak away from your superior and go get something to eat. no big deal, right? you'd be right back, he wouldn't even know your gone. you wanted food, well not just wanted, needed food. so you walked away from the raven haired man, you surfed among the crowds trying to blend in eventually finding a small restaurant to sit down in. you were happy to see that they had your favorite food. You ordered it without a second thought and waiting patiently for your food. you made quick work of your food since it been forever since you had that dish. you walked out the restaurant leaving them a hefty tip, since you recently started getting money from working under the port mafia. the crowds had died down, since it wasn't rush-hour anymore nobody was trying to get to a restaurant to grab lunch, everyone was back in the work buildings, so it was a lot harder to hide yourself. You walked quietly on the sidewalk, looking through store windows, only seeing what they had to offer your eyes. since you had left the rest of your money as a tip.

suddenly your superior appeared in front of you with an angry look on his face. "y/n what are you doing here. we have a job to be doing" he scolded you.

you wanted to explain what you were doing but you decided that you didn't need to explain yourself because he could have this job completely covered all on his own. and you were tired of going on field trips with him
"yeah, we do so why don't you get to it Akutagawa" you sassed back to him

"i am" he said through gritted teeth you looked behind him and saw both men walking some distance behind him, " I didn't just abandon my mission to go look for you. You aren't worth all that trouble." he whispered.

at that moment, dazai happened to look right in your direction and got a glimpse of your face, dazai raised an eyebrow and turned his body to try and face you, to see if he really did see the girl he met in a café three months ago, and the newest member of the port mafia.

akutagawa quickly noticed the scared look on your face and jumped in front of you. akutagawa couldn't find a better solution in the moment that wouldn't cause a scene. he didn't really think he just did it. he quickly appeared in front of your face. using both of his arms to pin you against one of the outsides of a store wall, covering your face on all sides. "IDOIT! what part of stay undetected do you not understand?!" the ravenette whisper screamed. you looked at the raven haired man who was so close to you. the space between your faces got warm with your heavy slow breathing, the moment was tense, he looked coldly into your eyes and it sent shivers down your spine. it was kinda attractive?? his hair was in his face and you carefully pushed one of the black and and white peices of his hair behind his ear. and looked at his face which was only inches from yours, akutagawa actually wasn't bad looking, his pale skin, really complemented his big black hole looking eyes, that was the only way to describe them, they were like endless pools of grey, trying to suck you in. his slim but strong build made you weak in the knees, though as it was said, it was only a moment.

he smacked your hand away from his face, then have you a funny look and glared at you. you put your hands up in surrender, "what on earth are you doing touching me." he said in an offended way, you were frozen in shock and refused an answer, and eventually he announced that the coast was clear so you two jumped out of sight. "you almost cost us another job." he growled. he coughed and then walked away from you. "i got the information i needed. go home y/n"
'so much for trying to get on his good side' you thought.

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