"snowing" part 12

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two weeks have passed since that paparazzi scandal, i was furious at jack, i hate him and now i had to pretend to be in a perfect relationship with him.

and the worst part was that i couldn't tell jenna and mads that we were pretending.

we couldn't risk anyone finding out.

that night, when paparazzi posted that photo of us kissing mads and jenna stormed in my room while i was just laying down, they started questioning me like they were private investigators.

i made up a story of how we became more close, and i just fell in love with him.

they bough it tho.

and tonight we were forced to have a double date with jenna and mason.

it was snowing so we decided to stay at home and play some board games.

"will you two just stop winning?" mason protested as jenna and i kept winning.
"okayy i guess we could let you two win this time" i said.
"finally" jack said.
"hey since it's snowing and it's really cold outside you two wanna stay and have a sleepover?" mason suggested to jack and jenna.

I mean jenna can stay but jack? fuck no.

they agreed, and we put on a movie to watch, i had a plan to get out of this situation when the movie ends.
jack and i started cuddling so mason and jenna don't suspect something.

we watched a horror movie of course.
after the movie i pretended to have a headache.

"I'm not feeling very well i think i should get some sleep" i said.
"you want me to come with you?" jenna asked.
"no no you stay here and watch a movie with them it's fine" i said.
I gave jack a quick kiss and i made my way upstairs, smiling that i had time for myself, i could watch gossip girl all night.

few hours have passed and i was still watching gossip girl, i was invested.
and suddenly all the power in the house went off.

what the fuck?

my phone was dead and i didn't have a flash.
i grabbed a candle that was on my desk and quickly lighted it up since i didn't like dark.
i made my way downstairs to see if anyone was awake since it was like 1 a.m.

i saw mason and jenna sleeping in the living room, where is jack tho?
i heard someone in the kitchen so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to scare him.

he was looking in the fridge and i standed there still.
when he closed the fridge he jumped a little.
"what the fuck are you doing?" he said.
"scaring you duhh" i said as i grabbed the candle that i putted on the desk.
"hey i think you should go and check fuse box" jack said.
"not happening" i said.
"what you are scared?" he started irritating me.
"i'm the one who's scared? you play a serial killer in the movie and you jumped when you saw me in the dark!" I protested.
"okay okay where is that fuse box?" he asked.
"In the basement" i smiled.
"give me that candle" he said grabbing it and making his way to the basement.
I followed him behind.

We got in the basement and found fuse box but we couldn't get the power back on.
"great, what now?" I said.
"I don't know don't look at me this is not my house!" he complained.

we made our way back upstairs and i started going back to my room.
"hey where are u going?" he said.
"back to my room, why?"
"no you are not" he says.
"I assure you i am" i said.
"no, you are keeping me a company here since you left me with mason and jenna earlier" he said.
"no" i said walking upstairs.
he came from behind me and grabbed me, he threw me over his shoulder and forced me to go back downstairs.
"i don't like spending time with you but i'll do it since you are desperate" i said.
"yeah yeah whatever"

half an hour have passed and we were just sitting in the kitchen, i was sitting on the kitchen counter and he was just walking around.
"hey you wanna take a walk?" I suggested.
"yeah, we don't have anything better to do" i said.
"what about we practice kissing?" he said.
"absolutely not" i said.
"I was just joking, fine let's take that walk" he said.

we got outside and took a walk, it was a pretty long walk, and since it was snowing i got an idea to annoy him so i made a snowball and threw it at him.
he dodged the snowball which was impressive.

he didn't wanna play with me but after i threw a few snowballs at him he started throwing them at me too.

he started chasing me and i ran, after a while i suddenly tripped and fell down, i pulled him with me and we both fell.

i started laughing.

he just rolled his eyes and got up, he helped me get up too.

and after our snowball fight we just kept walking, and we talked about many different things.

"hey i'm sorry i kissed you in front of the paparazzi" he suddenly said.
"you are?" I was confused.
"I am" he said.
"and now you are forced into this fake dating" he said.
"yeah, but you are not that bad champion" i said.
he smiled.

we talked about this whole situation.
"i don't think it's gonna be that difficult kissing you" i said.
"oh really?" he said.
"yeah, it's just a little kissing, we actors do it all the time so it shouldn't be a problem" i said.
"yeah you are right" he agreed.

suddenly in the distance, we heard a cat meowing.
"is that a cat?" jack asked.
we made our way to the cat that was shaking, she was really cold.
jack bent down so he could start petting cat.
he was really gentle with the cat.
i watched him petting cat, before i realized i was staring.
i quickly snapped out of it and looked away.

i guess he is not that bad as he seems.

hey guyss so sorry for not updating for a while, i lost all of my motivation but i decided i should continue writing for you guys.
so sorry this part is too short. 🫶🏻

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