you are so annoying (part 4)

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"alright let's do this, you guys remember the dance?" tyler asked jack and me. (tyler is one of the directors)
We both turned in the direction of tyler's voice, our attention on where he stood in the front centre of the room in front of everybody.
"We've got Lisa our choreographer, with us today to help with y/n's and jack's first dance scene." He announced, hovering his open-palmed hand to the blonde lady next to him who grinned and gave a gentle nod of greeting to the small number of people here at his introduction.

Tyler had waved Jack and me over once he was done with talking. He gave the two of us a quick formal introduction with the choreographer.

"Guys, more smiles, please," Tyler urged as he watched Jack's and mine's attempt at dancing together.
And the one second I looked away from
Jack to quickly glance at Tyler, I accidentally missed my stepping and rammed my foot into Jack's, putting all of my weight into it.

"Ah, fu-rick," He lurched back at the painful impact, immediately looking up at me with a glare. "Can you watch where you're stepping?!"
"It's pretty hard when trying to dance with someone like you," I fired back, the music coming to stop at our sudden halt in the dance.

"Like me?" He scoffed. "You're the one that keeps stepping all over me."
"Yeah because you're going all over the place and it's messing me up," I accused, my voice tight as I spoke. "Tyler, tell me I'm right."
"You're both wrong and acting like two dogs yapping away at each other," Tyler told us, shutting our bickering off with his last comment. "Look, you two have been biting each other's heads off since the beginning, and it's driving me nuts."

Not my fault Jack seems like he needs to take a sniff of some lavender oil every bloody morning.

"I've gotten two tickets to that Light Festival at the botanical gardens which I want both of you to go to tonight,"Tyler insisted. My face fell to a look of annoyance at that news.
"Spend some time to get to know each other, and not just about work, but about your life."
"it's nice of you but-"
"i would go but-"

"You're going or I'm firing the both of you"
He quickly shut down Jack's and I's attempt of an excuse to not go, but I could sense that Tyler was joking.
I think-well, I hoped?
"Okay?" He glanced between Jack and me.
I stayed silent, looking up at Jack to wait for him to answer as I wasn't going to be the first to submit. Call me stubborn, I don't care.
He was nibbling on his bottom lip and his eyes flickered down to look at me at the weight of my stare. He rolled his eyes and then brought his back to Tyler "Fine."
Tyler's eyes drifted to mine, expectantly waiting for my answer.
"We aren't filming this scene until you two are in good terms, so you gotta explain fans why the movie isn't coming out in time" tyler informed us.

I had the right kind of mind to just go ahead and not turn up, leaving Jack there alone until it clicked that I wasn't coming. I checked the prices of ticket entry and Jesus... I wasn't that bitchy enough to let tyler's money go to waste.

After trying on fifty billion clothing pieces, I had almost frustratedly broken down crying on the floor because I couldn't find anything I thought I looked nice in. Nothing was going my way.

So I brought Mads and Jenna in and we had now been in my walk-in for what seemed to be hours, scanning my clothes as we went back and forth about what I should wear tonight.
"You gotta help me too" jenna yelled from the bathroom to mads and me.

oh yeah, i also forgot to mention that all the cast are going out tonight, celebrating their first shot, and i'm stuck with jack in this stupid festival.

"But what about the top?" I asked mads, turning my back to the mirror and looking over my shoulder to see how it looked from the back.
"Um..." Mads voice trailed off as she looked at my shirt options from where she stood.
Her face brightened with interest as she spotted something. I watched as she went over and grabbed the black shirt's hanger off the railing, holding it up for me to see. With a nod from me, she slipped the clothing off the hanger and chucked it over to me.
"Yeah? No?" I asked Mads as I turned to look in the mirror.

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