don't like u (part 2)

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I woke up to my alarm going off, I'm definitely not a morning person.
when i wake up i'm angry at everyone so my family and friends learned to not take personal anything i say in the morning.

After staring at the dark ceiling for a few minutes contemplating my life choices, I forced myself to get out of bed and into the en-suite bathroom to freshen up.

The bathroom's light was bright as, and it made my eyes hurt as they had been staring into the darkness for the past seven hours.
My eyes were squinted in an attempt to try and get used to the light as I looked into the mirror.

I desperately needed a strong cup of coffee.
And a miracle to make me look somewhat decent after last night's tossing and turning.

I reached for the cold knob and water immediately gushed out of the sink's faucet. I tucked my hair behind my ears to avoid them from getting wet before I leaned over the counter to cup some of the ice-cold water in my hands and splashed my face with it. I repeated it a few times until I felt like I was wide awake and turned the tap off. I reached for the face towel and patted it against my skin until it was dry.

I let out a fat yawn and turned the light off before leaving the bathroom. My feet dragged me out of the bathroom, to my room to get dressed for today, today i'm meeting cast members and jenna should be here any minute since we are going with my brother.

if i wanna make a good first impression i had to dress decent.
After i dressed my phone ringed and i looked to see that jenna is calling me.

I got out of my room and told mason to go meet with her and i should be with them any minute.

i got downstairs, grabbed a cup of coffee and went outside to meet with mason and jenna. I always felt there was something going on between them, ever since we were kids and now when they film together. I don't mind it I actually ship them.

i let jenna sit in passenger seat and i went back. My phone ringed i looked to see that it was mads who woke up at 6 a.m. to say good luck to me and jenna.
She is such a good friend, always was.
God i can't wait to film 4 season of obx with her.

I was deep in my thoughts before i realised we have already arrived.
"so y/n i told you last night i want you to meet someone today" mason said, looking excited at me.
"yeahh so who is it?" I asked,curiously
"well he is gonna be your love interest in a movie" mason continued.
when I glanced at him I could see he was searching the faces for the guy he was talking about. Then when he seemed to have found the guy, his eyes lit up. "There he is. I'll introduce the two of you."

With an arm now around my shoulders to bring me with him, I looked over at this love interest guy. His back was to us as he was in the middle of talking with two other people.

His hair was brown, he had curls that he had pushed back so that it would stay out of his face. It was a perfect length- as it wasn't too short, but it also wasn't too long.

My gaze drifted to look him up and down. It was quite a stretch as this guy was tall. The short sleeves of the white shirt he was wearing were fitted around the curves of his muscles, an obvious indicator that this man worked out. The white shirt was also tucked into a pair of dark brown trousers, and I could just see the dainty gold chain around his tanned neck poke out as he talked.

When mason jenna and i were at an appropriate distance, he called his name out to grab his attention, "Jack"
And at that, the guy's head perked up at the sound of his name being said. He held his hand out to the people he was talking to, asking them to excuse him for a second before fully turning around.

Why did he look familiar? It felt like I'd seen him around.
"Mason" jack greeted, his voice wasn't deep but also it was at the same time.

As soon as I heard his voice, a memory from the other night when Jenna, Madelyn and i were hassled flashed through my mind.
Now I know why he looked so damn familiar.
He was the idiot's mate and I flipped him the bird.

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