——————Time Skip The Next Day——————

     The group is currently heading to school and people were still talking about Jake but another rumor spread that Akeno left him and he turned into that. Close to the truth but she was taken by force. But once we got in homeroom no one talked about it but we did see something on the board "Summer Festival''. Our homeroom teacher Mrs. Hosher came in and said, "Settle down settle down. Even though it's our second day of school we are doing our spring festival early for reasons I don't know. Honestly I don't get this school board but that's okay. We have a new schedule for today. We are determining what we are doing for the summer festival. We also have no classes for the rest of the week but you should stay to practice on your respective contests however you won't be forced to practice. You can stay in class and chill out and play on your phone hell you can bring a console and hook it up to the projector and play games on there." Kuroka thought, 'How is she a teacher?' The Mrs. Hosher continues, "So here is what we got. The bread eating race, relay, 100 meter dash, 300 meter dash, pole vaulting, horse riding, dodgeball, tennis, 3 legged race, tower topple, longest jump, and the scavenger hunt." After we all picked I was stuck in the 100 meter dash and of course Jake can't compete. Mrs. Hosher says, "Now that we all picked you are free go practice or stay here or go socialize." I got up and started to leave with Jake and Mrs. Hosher says, "Hey Miss Toujou." "Just Kuroka is fine." "Alright Kuroka. I wanted to ask is he getting better?" "Even though it's been just one day I would say yes, he's improved since yesterday." Mrs. Hosher says, "That's a relief. Well cya Kuroka." "Cya Mrs. Hosher." We proceeded out of the classroom and went to the track field. I see Eric and Asia together. I walked up to them and said, "What's up guys." Asia says, "Hey Kuroka." Eric says, "Goodmorning Kuroka how is Jake today." "Good no seizing anyway what contest did you two get put in." "Me and Asia are in the same contest we're in the three legged race. What are you in?" "100 meter dash." Asia says, "Sounds tiring." I looked to the right a little and saw Xenovia and Irina running almost at the same pace. I pointed at them and said, "What do they get put in?" Asia says, "Oddly enough they got the scavenger hunt." All of a sudden we hear, "Hey what's good guys?" Eric saw who it was and said, "Sachi sup." Sachi said, "So what are you guys doin." "Me and Asia were about to get started with the three legged race." "Well ain't you the luckiest son of bitch I got stuck in the bread eating race." "Sachi, seeing as you are part of the student council, I expect the best out of you, get to work." Sachi looked like he nearly shit himself, "Sorry Sona I- I was getting hungry." Sachi ran off to somewhere. I said, "Weird." I turned back to the group and said, "I'll be in the club room healing Jake if you need me call, cya." Both Asia and Eric said, "Cya later." Jake and I were on our way to the club room until a strong breeze flew by and Akeno's ribbon flew out of Jake's hand. Jake began to move and fell out of the wheelchair trying to get the ribbon. He couldn't move his legs so all he could do was reach out his arms to potentially grasp it. I ran over and picked it up and helped Jake back onto his wheelchair. "Jake please next time something like this happens don't worry I'll get it you don't need to fall out of the wheelchair." Jake spoke, "Zu'u Nis Griv Daar Aus Nid Lingrah." I felt bad when he spoke again because I couldn't do anything but vaguely remember it. "Let's get to the club room Jake." We both continued our way towards the club room and in 3 minutes we finally reached our destination. When we got to the club room there were two people in there, Rias and Barkiel. I know why Rias would be here but not Barkiel. 'Didn't he say he needed to grieve.' Rias spoke up and said, "I bet right now you're confused about why Barkiel is here but let him speak for himself." Barkiel walked up towards Jake and said, "I research this all night Jake. I want to ask you to not give up and especially don't give up on Akeno. You can save her, I know it. If it's someone like you. I know you can save her. When you come back to your senses you know where to find me." Barkiel then left in his magic circle. I said, "Well wasn't that interesting a complete 180° degrees from what I saw last night." Rias says, "You can't blame him grief gave him a new desire and apparently a new drive to save Akeno from death? I don't get where he got this determination from but it's good if it gets Akeno resurrected." "Alright cool I'm going to heal Jake until the end of the day I'll be back I got to change. Please watch Jake." I left and walked towards the shower and took off my uniform. I then folded them up nicely then used my magic to conjure my signature kimono. I opened the door and said, "Done." Rias got up and said, "I'll be off. I have to oversee some of the activities for the student council." "Okay Rias." I picked up Jake and laid him down on the couch and made sure he was comfortable. I started concentrating on using my senjutsu to start the healing process. This went on for a couple of hours.

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