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(The picture is of Bortle)

Aizen pov~~~

His face was covered.


And he was a skilled fighter.


He isn't from here.

"Aren't you getting bored of dodging?"

He is very confident...

So my question is...

Why is he fighting me?

"You look confused."

We pulled back, staring at each other.
"You can manipulate time-" I began.

"And space." he told me.

"So why are you fighting me? Wouldn't you rather make the world your own?"

"What fun would that be? I have my reasons, Sosuke. You shouldn't question them-" He said as he disppaeared and came behind me.
"-you should focus on me instead." he said before blasting me.

"Bortle told me about Father Time... So what's the point of keeping he balance. Why not take the world?"

"...everything in the universe will be torn apart and chaos would take over Even youd be affected. There would be nothing but madness and fear and power... Just debree of what there used to be. If I followed in your footsteps...the world would be in deep shit. And I really don't like you, but, think your favorable villain." he smiled.

"That's idiotic." I told him.

"How so, oh great and powerful one?" he said sarcastically.

"The existence of others shouldn't matter. What matters is your power, and if your able to rebuild a better world...or one for yourself." I said as he clapped.

"Whoo! That was just great. Wow, you- you sir, are a heartless bastard."

"I have potential. But your mind is fixated on others. Too bad. Your just as irritiaing as Ichigo."I said as I went through time, only to have it fail.

"W-Wait! Where are you going?!" He yelled out.

"I'm going to kill Ichigo's friends..." I said as a portal opened. "And find Ichigo myself. Hopefully, he won't disappoint me. I don't have time to play with you."

Milo pov~~


Damn it, Bortle!

He's here changing the story...and I can't find where the hell he's hiding. I located the others ran toward a the alleyway Ichigo friends and the Soul Reaper dude were at, only to find blood and death. There bodiess were scattered around town, and I couldn't help but gag.


"Harold. It killed them...all of them. The Clock got to them... What do I do?"

"...use your Time Item. They aren't supposed to die."

".....It'" I heard someone whisper. I looked to see Tasuki looking up. I ran over to her, kneeling down. "" She said as she held her wound. Damn it... She held onto me until her hand fell, her breathing stopped.

I took out a pocketwatch, my Time Item, and turned it on.

A Time Item is a piece of time given to those associated with Father Time. Mine is a pocketwatch. I can turn back the hands of time by rewinding a person's life, meaning I can go back to when they were alive or when they die. At this moment, I can heal their wounds by pushing back time.

My hands glowed as I chanted the scared spell.

"Gaia rëx No duü! Change back the clock!" I said as a bigger clock appeared, the handle turning back time. I looked for everyone and gathered them up, their bodies...kinda healed in a way. Whatever wounds they had we're gone, but they were unconscious. I could only help their physical bodies. They will remember dying...which pretty much leaves more questions for me to answer.

I opened at time portal, stepping inside. Ichigo is in The Dangai.... finding a way to get the final Getsuga Tenshou. If Aizen gets there before me...I'll have a problem on my hands.

My feet landed on the ground as I saw Isshin holding his own against Aizen. Damn it, why does every guy I fight leave me? Am I really that boring?

"I see you've found me." he said as I walked over to Ichigo. "Pretty much." I said as I opened a time capsule and threw it on Ichigo. A blue barrier surrounded him, and I turned around, pulling out my sword.

"What'd you do to him?" Isshin asked.
"When he's finished, he'll break out. It's to keep him safe from any intruders..." I said as I opened a time portal behind Aizen and him being engulfed by it.

"What happened?" Isshin asked.

"I sent him back to Karakura Town. He has the power of time on his hands, and he's making a mess. I'm going to take it back before he strkkes again." I said as I stepped into the portal.

"Are you going to help us out?" he asked.

"...fundamtally speaking, yes." I said as I jumped in.


First Gin, now Aizen. And Aizen already killed Gin.

By now, Ichigo should've mastered the technique....time in here goes by pretty slow.

"You've arrived just in time." Aizen said as I walked by.

"Hey Aizen, I'm going to need that power back." I told him as I held my sword. "And this time...I'm not gonna stall." I said as I ran to him, cutting him up as many times as needed. He didn't budge, but I kept on swinging. .
I made it behind him, drilling my arm through his stomach as I took out the power of Time. He froze, and I used took this as my chance. "Galactic Beam!" I yelled, blasting him. He got hit, a burn on his stomach. "Maybe I should just end this and stop your existence. Destroy you before you came to be." I said, glaring.

"Are you threatening me?" He asked. "First, you revive Kurosaki's classmates and kick me out of the Dangai. Then you take away the time powers I have left....I've let you wander far enough..." he said. A sword appeared from his hand as we clashed, and I kept stabbing him until-

"Grh..." I choked out as I felt a sword come through my stomach. I slowly looked to see Bortle, a smile on his face.

"Hello, little brother!" he said as he pulled out. (No homo)

"You...asshole." I said as my wound began to heal.

"Go ahead, Aizen. I've got him." Bortle said as he walked towards me. "I'm kinda sad you haven't been looking for me at all." he said.

"Why would I look for you? Finding trash leads you nowhere."

"I'm hurt." he said, feigning a heart wound. "That hood is too big on you." he said as I groaned.

"Fuck this. If I kill you here, there won't be anymore problems." I smiled.

"Come at me." he said as I ran towards him, swinging my blade.

"Milo!" some one yelled as I stopped in mid step.

"...gimme a minute." I said as I held my hear. "I was in the midst of an epic battle, and you yell in my ear!"
I yelled at Harold.

"I guess that means you found Bortle..."

"...more like he found me."

"Talking about me? Rude."

"Ichigo has already arrived and is protecting his friends. They woke up not too long ago."

"Good....I've taken away the Time powers he had."

"Keep Bortle at bay..." he's aid as I rushed towards him, our swords clanging together. "He's the one messing things up."

"He ruins everything! You don't have to tell me!" I said as I blasted him, sensing him back. "This time...I'm not holding back. Get ready to face me, bastard." I said as I ran towards him, our eyes glaring into eachother.

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