Chapter Twenty-six

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"I had been so afraid to open my heart to her because I had been abandoned, neglected, and very hurt, but she showed me that even though love can hurt, it can also heal."

- Jacqueline Simon Gunn, The Cat Who Ate His Tail


People mostly assumed that walk of shame was only for those who the next morning went back home after the night, so why was Cabir now tip-toeing in his own apartment you ask?

Well, because it was an apartment he shared with Nandini Murthy, his best friend of four years. Who sometimes felt more like an elder sibling and mother all in one, and therefore he was avoiding her as he tried to slip outside, only to stop mid-step when he heard her.

"Good morning, Mr Dhawan" Nandini greeted while sipping from her cup.

"Would you like some coffee? A certain Mr Mathur very generously made us not only coffee but breakfast too, while humming some upbeat song under his breath I must add. He seemed to have had a very pleasant stay here," she commented with a smirk.

"Please, Nandini, don't tease me," he whined, flushed.

"Oh, don't worry, I won't. I would rather get details from you to know if I won the bet or Manik did," she said with a shrug.

"You guys bet on us? About what?" he asked, shocked.

"Yes and about who between you would confess first," she informed.

"And who did you bet on?" He asked, curious.

"Manik bet on Devansh saying he is an overly romantic soul but I know you are an impatient person so there is no way you waited for him to woo you, you acted first, right?" She predicted, looking at him with narrowed eyes.

"Let's say, you know me too well," he admitted.

"Yes, I won," she cheered.

"But he confessed first," he informed and laughed when her face fell.

"He gave me a five-page handwritten letter that listed all the reasons why he thinks we are perfect for each other and what he liked about me. How can you expect me not to jump on his bones?" He asked with an amused huff.

And hearing that, Nandini could only laugh at his unabashed ways. He was enamored, it was obvious by the way he looked at the elder man who left no chance to woo him. Manik had told her how he had never seen Devansh as taken by someone. They were good for each other and after all that they went through, they deserved happiness. As she saw Cabir sigh contentedly, blushing when he finally saw the note that Devansh had left on the table, Nandini felt happy for him. Finally, he has met someone worthy of the way Cabir loved, unabashed and bold, a love he had been searching for such a long time, and has finally found in someone who would be proud of him and love him back with the same intensity.

"Even though I lost this bet to Manik, I am so happy for you," she told him as she ruffled his hair.

"God, I also have to face Manik," he whined.

"Come on, piyar kiya toh darna kiya? We love you when you are unapologetic and brash," she said with a laugh.

"Manik is a bit weirdly protective, I am totally expecting him to give me the shovel talk and tell me he would hurt me if I hurt Devansh, even if he should be on my side" he muttered.

"That's because Devansh has been getting shovel talks ever since the day he met you," Nandini informed with a giggle.

"What are you saying?" He asked in disbelief.

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