Ep. 2: A Shell Of Your Former Self

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In Legerdomain, in the far distance, one could spot two figures that at first glance seemed to be fighting, but with a closer look, the small figure of what one would say was a woman with long hair was escaping from the other large figure of a giant turtle, while leaving behind rock monsters to buy more time for her escape.

Charmcaster, after having been freed from her own bag by Charles Zenith for his show "The Most Delicious Game" returned to Legerdomain to rule the land, taking advantage of the fact that the great magical turtle was not present. Likewise, Addwaitya, who had been missing after escaping from the same bag, managed to recover the Alpha Rune and restore it to its maximum power with the objective of returning to the magical dimension aiming to put an end to the witch once and for all, as well as becoming the supreme ruler of that mystical place, and of course, turning into the most powerful magical entity of all in the process.

Although the sorceress was extremely powerful, she could not compare with Addwaitya enhanced to his maximum power thanks to the Alpha Rune and possessing a tactical advantage by having planned her dethronement in advance. The evil Addwaitya had been plotting this offensive for a long time, he was so desperate for power and blinded by the artifact around his neck that he had even resorted to black magic, specifically to a forbidden spell... so dark, secret and dirty which he knew would give him the upper hand.

Anyhow returning with the chase, Charmcaster ran out of golems and luck in the pursuit, as she ended up on the ground, injured and cornered by the one who was once conquered and turned into a totem by her. The patricidal murderer was about to deliver the coup de grace but he stopped to mock the poor girl in her final moments.

 The patricidal murderer was about to deliver the coup de grace but he stopped to mock the poor girl in her final moments

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"I'll grant your wish of your family reunion with your father."


A long, long time ago when a time walker divided the Map of Infinity into four pieces to prevent it from ending up in the wrong hands, he hid two pieces in their original form: one in the temple of Mikd'lty that would be safe due to the conditions of the planet and guarded by Necrofriggian colonists, for the other, he built a planetoid, the Perplexahedron, that would keep it safe. As for the other two remaining pieces, it would be best to hide them in plain sight, hiding their true nature, but not as just any everyday objects, rather he took artifacts of great importance that were already being protected, to serve as cover. Thus, this timeless entity would merge the third piece of the map with the Anti-Gravity Multiplier used to hold planet Piscciss; and the last, with an ancient item of great power: the Alpha Rune.

The original Alpha Rune, the secret of True Magic, was kept on the planet Aldabra. The Geochelone Aerio were responsible for being the guardians of this embodiment of energy of the living beings, because of their peaceful nature and also their immunity to mana.

 The Geochelone Aerio were responsible for being the guardians of this embodiment of energy of the living beings, because of their peaceful nature and also their immunity to mana

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