Hanji Zoe: A mear scout

Start from the beginning

  "For the good of humanity, get on your horse if you still consider yourself a scout."
He got on his horse and road away.

Skipping many expedition later, Hange continued to go on missions with the scouts outside the walls. Hange wasn't the very best out of everyone but regardless she always managed to come back alive. Her comrades acknowledged her for her fearless efforts when trying kill titans. But she was also extremely reckless. Some of the people around her were honestly.... Scared of her. Hange didn't care what the situation was if a titan was in the way she was already using ODM gear. Many scout avoided being alone with her because she was so unpredictable and.... Passionate (Rants and rambling). Also being strangely excited about killing these monsters. That curious girl who was all about titans and what the outside world looked like was pushed further down every time a friend or comrade was eaten right in front of her.

Hange Zoe was inside one of the scout's buildings walking when she stop because of an old face.

" Moblit?"
He was smiling awkwardly with one hand rubbing the back of his head.
"What are you doing here?"
" I joined."
"Auh. Why what happen with-"
"I heard what happened with Corrine, Henry and Felix".
"After a few months I couldn't bare the fact that I was only one who didn't go with y'all. Regardless of what happen, they achieved their dreams even if it was against the rules. It's so motivating.... I want....to honor them.
  "That great".
  "See you around". He's walking away.
  "Hey! Seat with me at lunchtime!"
  " of course!"
  "And try not to get eaten!"
He took a look at her while continuing to walk away.

Skipping to a random expedition Hange was riding into the forest close by Erwin when she noticed how different the formations looked. She asked him,
  " Hey did you convince commander Shadis to change our lay out?"
  " Yeah.... It never made sense for us to be group so close, even before your hypothesis. Now that we're further apart in a diamond shape we can properly set up a defense and offense... well I would have to convince him on the last part.
" Your so brilliant Erwin ".
" Regardless, the scouts research and experiments on the titans have been non-existent in the last few years. I want to ask him to resume that also, but I don't think I'm the best for that task.
They rode in silence....

Later on Hange saw a titan up ahead of her. Before she could engage Mike already killed the Titan and it fell to the ground hard.
Hange thought to herself.
What would the scouts be without Mike.... He seriously needs to be studied.
Instead of ignoring and finding the next one Hange wanted to take a good look. She used ODM gear to get close a stared at it. She looked at the head and felt on the hair.
"Feels Human...."
She continued thinking, then from behind a titans tried grabbing her. Without a reaction she hooked herself but to a tree.
"What are you doing titans are everywhere! How have you survived this long?" Said Rico.
She continued looking at the Titan.
"Yeah that was a close call." She began giggling to herself.

Later after that Hange over heard Gelgar and Moblit talking.

" I heard that Erwin and his squad plus Mike headed off to the underground for some mission".
"What could possibly be down there?" Moblit asked.
"Don't know, but clearly not titans". Gelgar said jokingly.
"It's whatever but It would be nice if he asked me to come along. Never seen what the place actually looks like". Said by Moblit.
" Don't worry based on what everyone says it's no different than a big pile of shit. Everyone forced to live there are all scared savage scums."
" Hopeful it's something useful There are rumors that funds for our missions keep getting smaller."

Shortly after, they all returned from there mission without giving anyone a direct explanation. Hange begged Mike and Erwin to give her a hint but they told her that everyone would have to wait and see.

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