"$48." the bartender answered. Maggie pulled out a $100 dollar bill and told him to keep it. He said that a $52 tip was too much, but Maggie insisted. She led Isobel back to her car and helped her in the passenger side and even buckled her in. Maggie went over to the driver side and hopped in.

"What about my car?" Isobel asked.

"I will drive it back to my place after dropping you off. It's not that far of a walk." Maggie said.

"I can-"

"You're not about to drive after drinking six shots of tequila." Maggie said.

"How'd you know I drank six?" Isobel asked.

"They're $8 each, and your total was $48. Eight times six is 48." Maggie said.

"Oh." Isobel said. Maggie started driving towards her apartment. The radio was quietly playing 'Brain Stew' by Green Day in the background. Isobel was doing her best to focus on it so she wouldn't start crying, but unfortunately a few slipped out. She quickly wiped them away, but Maggie noticed. Maggie, in a friendly way, gently took hold of Isobel's hand. She held it the rest of the ride, which was only a few minutes. She parked in her designated parking spot and turned her car off. She got out and went around to the passenger side. She opened Isobel's door and helped her out. Isobel technically could walk on her own, but Maggie didn't want to take the chance of her falling. So she put her arm around Isobel's waist and guided her to the elevator. They walked onto the elevator after Maggie pressed the button to go up and the doors opened. Maggie pressed the '4' button, and the doors shut. The elevator ride was slow, and Isobel felt like it took an eternity. But, the doors finally opened, and Maggie guided Isobel to her apartment. She unlocked the door and led Isobel inside.

"You can make yourself at home. You can watch tv if you'd like, or you could make something to eat. I have some water for you to drink so you have little to no hangover in the morning." Maggie said.

"May I watch a movie?" Isobel asked.

"Of course you can," Maggie said. She led Isobel to the couch and made sure she sat down okay. "What movie would you like to watch?" Maggie asked.

"Titanic." Isobel said.

"Okay," Maggie turned on Paramount+ and played the movie. "I'm going to go get your car. You can make popcorn if you want. If you're hungry, let me know, and I can get us something. Or I could try to cook." Maggie said.

"If I remember correctly, you started a fire a while back making toast, so no offense, but I think I'd rather order from a restaurant. But I pay since you paid for my tab and getting my car." Isobel said.

"I can pay." Maggie said.

"No. I've been nothing but a burden tonight, so I'm going to pay." Isobel said.

"You're not a burden at all. I-"

"Maggie Susanne Bell, I'm paying for our food, and that's final." Isobel said sternly.

"Damn, going all full government name on me, eh?" Maggie said with a slight smile.

"Only to get my point across." Isobel said, reciprocating the slight smile.

"Okay. Well, what would you like? Anything but pizza. I've had that the past three nights." Maggie said.

"Honestly I could go for a burger right now." Isobel said.

"Alright. Anything on it?" Maggie asked.

"You can put whatever toppings on it. Just not mustard or tomatoes." Isobel said. Maggie nodded her head.

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