3 am (d.p.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by AshTray367. I hope you like it! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name by Matchbox 20. Now, on with the oneshot!)

‼️DISCLAIMER: This oneshot contains mentions of cancer and death. If these topics are triggering to you, please feel free to skip this oneshot!‼️

       The bell rang on the loud speaker, signaling the start of third period. I was sat with my friends and my boyfriend, Dean, waiting for English class to start. It was sure to be a boring class as usual so we'd all already started passing notes to each other. I was about to discreetly pass a response to Connie when the sound of static filled the air. Everyone stopped what they were doing and waited for the announcement.

"Dean Portman, please report to Dean Buckley's office. Dean Portman to Dean Buckley's office."

       Scattered 'ooh's' filled the classroom as the teacher called for Dean to head out. On his way out, he gave me a confused look which I returned. Dean hadn't gotten in any trouble recently, or at least not that I knew about, so him getting called to the Dean's office was weird. I looked among the Ducks but they all looked as confused as I was. Class started again but my mind was on Dean the whole time. When the bell rang for the end of the period, Dean didn't come back.


       Fourth period and fifth period went by and Dean still was nowhere to be seen. I was starting to get worried when lunch rolled around and I still hadn't heard anything. As I made my way through the halls on the way to the cafeteria, I saw Dean Buckley walking in the opposite direction.

       "Dean Buckley!" I called out, hurrying to catch up with him.

        He turned and stopped walking as he saw me. "Can I help you, Y/N?"

       "I was wondering if you knew where Dean was. He got called to your office and never came back. Is everything okay?" I asked.

       I watched as a look of unease swept across the Dean's face. That wasn't a good sign.

       "I'm afraid everything isn't okay, Y/N." He said, solemnly. He beckoned me to follow him and walked me to an empty alcove. "Mr. Portman's parents called. As you know, his mother has cancer and it seems she has taken a turn for the worst. They want him home for...for her final days."

       I felt my stomach drop. 'Oh god.' I thought to myself. Dean's mom had been diagnosed with breast cancer last summer and it had hit Dean hard. He almost didn't come back to Eden Hall but had come at the urging of his mother. He had just spent the holidays with her and she had been doing better.

       "I-I gotta go. Thank you for telling me, sir." I said. I didn't wait for him to respond as I ran through the thinning crowd. I had to get to Dean.


       My legs carried me as fast as they could to Dean's dorm room. The door was ajar and I looked inside. There was Dean, walking from his dresser with an armful of clothes back to his bed where his suitcase lay open. I lightly knocked on the door to get his attention. He turned to look at me and dumped his clothes into the suitcase. I could see how pale he looked and my heart broke even more. 

       "Oh, babe..." I said, not really knowing what else to say.

       In two big steps, we were to each other, wrapping our arms around the other. We just stood there holding each other for what felt like an eternity before Dean pulled away with a sniffle. I didn't even realize he'd been crying until I heard the small noise. 

       "What time is your flight?" I asked as I reached up and wiped away a few of his tears.

       "7:00PM. I gotta leave in a few hours so I have enough time to get through security." Dean said, his voice rough from crying.

       "Okay. Do you need help packing?" I asked.

       Dean shook his head. "I'm just about done."

       "Okay." I said. 

       I sat on his roommate's empty bed as he finished packing, the room silent aside from the rustling of his belongings. As he reached for the picture on his bedside table, I saw him falter. I was quick to go to his side as I realized what picture it was. It was the picture of him and his parents from when he was graduating kindergarten, little Dean grinning at the camera with his two front top teeth missing. His parents looked so proud of him, especially his mom.

       "I don't know what I'm gonna do, Y/N." Dean said, his shoulders beginning to shake. "I don't know what I'm gonna do without my mom!"

       He threw his arms around me again, his face buried in my shoulder. I held up my hulking boyfriend as best I could but ultimately wound up lowering the both of us down onto the carpet. Dean held me fiercely and I let him cry, his sobs breaking my heart. I couldn't even imagine what he was going through. All I could do was hold him and let him know I was there for him.

(A/N: Thanks again to AshTray367 for the request! I hope you liked it! Requests are opening soon so get yours ready. That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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