we are family (a.b.) (requested)

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(A/N: This oneshot was requested by rusher63icloudcom1. I hope you like it! The song in the title is a reference to the song of the same name by Sister Sledge. Now, on with the oneshot!)

       The theme song from 'Blue's Clues' played through the speakers of the TV for the umpteenth time today. I was on babysitting duty for my two year old sister, Sabrina, and, it being her favorite show, it's videotapes were constantly on repeat in our house. As I watched the characters come on screen, I was surprised to hear the doorbell ring. Making sure that Sabrina was occupied with the show, I made my way out of the living room to the front door. Checking through the peephole, I smiled when I recognized the neatly combed hair of my boyfriend, Adam.

       "Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked as I opened the front door.

       "Well, you said you'd be home all day watching your sister so I thought I'd come by and help." Adam said with a shrug.

       "Since when do you know anything about babysitting?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

       "Since...never." Adam admitted. "But I figured I could learn from watching you."

       I smiled at him and stepped aside so he could come in. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as he passed by. I grabbed his hand and led him into the living room.

       "Sabrina, look who came to play with you!" I said.

       Sabrina looked up from her spot on the couch to see who was with me and smiled around her mouthful of goldfish crackers. She eagerly waved at Adam and climbed down from the couch. Adam waved back and laughed when Sabrina came up to him and hugged his legs.

       "Hi!" She said with her high, squeaky voice.

       "Hi, Sabrina." Adam said, fondly.

       Sabrina eagerly reached up and grabbed Adam's hand from mine and all but dragged him over to the couch. He sat down and waited for her to pull herself back up into her seat. She offered Adam a goldfish, which he took, before focusing back on Steve and Blue as they searched for their first clue.

       I watched from the door way as my boyfriend interacted with my baby sister. They were just so cute together! Sabrina pointed at the screen every once in a while and would answer Steve's "questions" while Adam just nodded along. I took a seat between them but was greeted by a displeased shout. Sabrina was looking at me disapprovingly before climbing over me to sit next to Adam again.

      "What are you doing, little miss?" I asked as she settled down between us.

       "Mine." She said as she patted Adam's hand.

       "Oh, really?" I asked, trying to hide my giggles as I looked up at Adam. "I think someone has a crush."

       Adam just shook his head with a laugh as Sabrina snuggled into his side. "Is that true, Sabrina?"

       She nodded her head and Adam 'aw'd' and gave her a hug. She hugged him back and when they parted, she stuck her tongue out at me!

       "Madam!" I said with a fake look of shock.

       They both laughed at my expression before Sabrina leaned over and gave me a kiss on the arm. "Love Y/N, too!"

       "We both do." Adam said, leaning over too to give me a quick kiss.

       I smiled into the kiss before pulling away when Sabrina called out as Steve and Blue found their second clue. Adam and I spent the rest of the day playing with Sabrina with her favorite toys. When it was time for her nap, Adam was the one to put her down at her insistence. After she was asleep, it was just the two of us until my parents got back from their lunch date. There were a few tears when Adam had to leave but they were quick to disappear when he promised to come over again soon. 

(A/N: Thanks again to for the request! I hope you liked it! Requests are currently closed but will open again on February 1st. That's all for now! Until next time! Thanks!!)

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