❗A/N: 45k Oneshot Special Poll is CLOSED!❗

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Only a few hours left! Our frontrunner is still in the lead! Will he hold his place? That's up to you, lovelies!!


We have a new frontrunner! Tomorrow's the last day for voting so get yours in before time runs out! I can't wait to see who wins!!


2 days left! Still locked in a tie! Will the other Duck catch up? Only time will tell!


We still have a tie for frontrunner with another Duck close behind! 3 days left to get your votes in!


And we have a tie for frontrunner! Still plenty of time to get your votes in though so send yours in when you can!


Another Duck has joined the race AND we have a frontrunner! Is it the same Duck? Only I know for sure lol Keep those votes coming!


Only the first day and already 4 Ducks have entered the race! I have a feeling this is gonna be a good one!


Hey lovelies! So, with some things going on in real life, it's going to take me a little while longer to get my remaining requests done. In the meantime, here's the next poll for the 45k Oneshot Special! As always the rules are simple: vote for your favorite Duck before time runs out! The poll will be open for a week and will close on the 23rd at midnight EST. You can vote multiple times over the course of the week as well. I'll have the poll posted as an external link for this chapter, in the comments of this chapter, and linked on my profile. If you have any trouble voting, just message me and I'll make sure your vote gets counted! I think that's everything! Thanks in advance for being so patient about remaining requests! Let the best Duck win! Thanks!!


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