But for now I'll let him be—I have the meeting to start soon.

"Welcome, everyone!" I say, which makes the room quiet down.

"Thank you for coming, I'm so excited to see you all here and to meet new members as well."

"If you don't mind, I have a list here for you to sign your name, and then we'll get started soon after that."

A line eventually forms and dwindles down again as the list gets longer and longer.

There's probably about forty students total—the biggest group yet.

"Thank you, everybody. We can now start with some basic spells."

I separate everyone into groups, the first and second years together, third and fourth, fifth and sixth, and then seventh on their own.

Since everyone's skillset is so different, it was much easier to do it this way.

Our year also has its own training after the hour and a half of the groups so we can actually stimulate real-life auror duels.

However, those sessions won't start until next week.

Everyone cooperated quite well, but it was hard to give enough attention to each group individually.

I've thought about splitting the meetings up, but with Quidditch and N.E.W.Ts, Wednesday nights were the only ones that would work.

"Are you going to ask for my help yet, Dalton?" Nott comes up to me and asks.

"I'm doing just fine, Nott."

"You sure about that? Because there's already a fight about to break out among the third and fourth years."

"Merlin," I run over there.

Sure enough, there's a fourth and fifth year Gryffindor arguing.

God, what is it with Gryffindors always getting into fights?

"Hey, both of you, cut it out!" I yell, trying to stop them.

But they continue yelling, their shouts getting louder and louder.

Though I'm not terribly short, they still hover over me by at least a few inches, so I instinctively jump out of the way when they start pushing each other.

"Do you two not have ears?! Knock if off!" Nott's voice comes out of nowhere, his tall figure easily breaking the two of them apart.

"If either of you do that again, you'll be kicked out of the club and brought straight to Filch, understood?"

It was a running inside joke among the students that Filch was the scariest person in all of Hogwarts, but clearly the threat worked.

Or maybe it was Nott's deadly glare that scared them more.

The two boys nod eagerly, still clearly mad at each other but willing to comply to the rules.

"Do I really have to say thank you for the second time tonight?" I say jokingly as I turn to him.

"No, but my point still stands. There's far too many people in this club for just one person to keep track of."

"You just want to take my spot and be President," I say.

"Maybe," he says with a smirk.

"How about if you let me be Vice President I'll stop bothering you so much on the project?"

"Nice try, Nott," I laugh.

"Oh come on, Dalton. What would've happened if I didn't break them up?"

I sigh—it would be much easier if someone else could help.

But Padma was usually here anyways, she just happened to be with her sister tonight. And I might be able to convince Hermione to come as well.

"Nope. I have my friends to help me."

He grunts in frustration.

"How about this then? We duel—an actual duel, not just some expelliarmus bullshit, and if I win, I get to help you out with the club?"

"Still a no, Nott."

"Are you scared of losing to me?" He teases.

"Quite the opposite, actually. I'm scared of getting annoyed and accidentally sending you to the Hospital Wing."

That much is true, I might get a little too mad and hex him.

"It's nice to know you care about me so much, cara mia," he smiles while leaning against the archway.

"I do not-"

"Then prove it. And duel with me," he challenges.

"Fine. But not the seventh year's next session because I already have it planned out."

"Then the next one," he agrees. "I'm looking forward to beating you."

"Oh please, Nott," I walk away and go back to supervising the club.

It's not long before the meeting is over and everyone leaves to get back to their dorm in time for quiet hours.

As productive as the night was, I'm exhausted, and can't help but stare at all the equipment left with dread.

"No wonder why you take so long to do anything," says Nott from the corner.

"Jesus, Nott, why are you standing in the shadows like a creep?"

"You're the one just standing there. I'm cleaning up. I am going to be Vice President, after all," he winks.

I roll my eyes at him and laugh sarcastically.

"You overestimate yourself."

"Better than underestimating yourself," he shrugs.

You know, he kind of has a point there.

We pick the rest of the supplies up in silence, taking much less time than if I had just done it myself.

I have to remind myself that it's just because he wants something, not because he wants to help me.

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