1_ rivalry

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I feel his eyes burning into my back before I even have to turn around and see who it is.

Theodore Nott.

It's his way of taunting me, of saying he received better marks even from a distance.

I know because he's done this for three years.

Today we get our beginning-of-the-year exams back for Transfiguration, seeing how much we remember from past years.

It's also a glimpse of how much we need to prepare for N.E.W.Ts at the end of the year.

It's not much of a big deal, really, unless you're me or Nott. Our competitive selves make everything a big deal, and not in a good way.

It was in Potions, third year, that I really started to hate him.

We were both top of the class the entire year, but no matter how hard I tried, he always got the recognition.

The praise from Snape, the house points—it's all something Ravenclaws never get.

Professor McGonagall hands me back my exam with a soft smile; before I even flip it over I know I did well.

97 -Outstanding job, 5 points to Ravenclaw it read.

I pack my bag up, happy with my accomplishment, until I hear a low voice behind me.

"98, Dalton," he raises an eyebrow at me, challenging me to tell him I did better.

The brief satisfaction I felt fades. He always has a way of making me feel like I am never good enough.

"97. But did you earn five points for your house?" I prompted.

I know what the answer is before he responds—Professor McGonagall has always shown favor to me over Nott.

His face flushes red in anger, and I know I got my answer.

He walks closer to me and I look up to meet his eyes, proving I won't back down.

"Don't worry, cara mia. I'll make sure you lose those five points one way or another."

"Lenore, are you coming?" Another voice calls. It's my best friend, Padma.

She knows exactly how much Nott irritates me, and I can't thank her enough for the amount of times she's saved me from talking to him.

It seems that this would be another.

"Sorry, thank Nott for wasting my time," I tell her.

I feel his judgmental eyes on me again as I leave the classroom with Padma.

Those eyes, I can't ever seem to escape.

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