6_ an unlikely pair

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I was looking forward to alchemy today, considering that it's one of my favorite subjects.

We are learning the basic elements and their properties—honestly, if I wasn't so set on going into the Ministry it might be a career I would've wanted to do.  

As usual, I walk in and take my seat next to Hermione and Pavarti, talking about the usual  subjects and weekend plans.

The three of us have had many classes together since fifth year when everyone started taking different classes for N.E.W.Ts.

I was disappointed that Padma didn't want to take alchemy with me, but at least I had her twin sister and Hermione to keep me company.

"Alright, everyone," Professor Dankworth adresses.

"I have an important announcement to make. Now that you have learned the majority of the basic elements, I am assigning a final project that will be due at the end of the year to prepare you for your N.E.W.Ts."

"You will work on this throughout the year with a partner. The majority of the project will be done outside of class while you still learn the material, and I will be checking your progress frequently. I will pass out a rubric explaining the details; please ask if you have any questions."

My heart dropped when he mentioned partners.

As close as I was with Hermione and Pavarti, I knew they would be chose to be partners since they were both Gryffindors.

I don't blame them, it was more convenient anyways.

"Oh, I almost forgot to assign partners," the Professor adds excitedly.

Just about everyone in the class sighs.

"Hermione Granger and Pavarti Patel, you two can work together..."

Damn. Even the professor picks them to be partners instead of me.

I glance across the room—maybe he'll assign me to be with Anthony Goldstein.

I didn't know him well, but he was another Ravenclaw in my year, so he was the next best option.

"Zacharias Smith and Anthony Goldstein, and lastly Lenore Dalton and Theodore Nott."

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Please get to work on the outline for the project for this class period," says Professor Dankworth.

I hardly move any of my things out of utter disbelief.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Nott turn to face me, an annoyed glare on his face.

No. I was not being partners with him.

"Professor," I politely walk up to his desk.

"Is there any way I could work with someone else? I really don't think I'll be able to show the best of my abilities if we don't switch."

"I'm sorry, Miss Dalton, but the partners are final. Trust me, I have assigned them for your benefit—based on how each student works."

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