Chapter 16 [Pam' s Death]

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Marie' s Pov:


Suddenly I wake up by the rumor of broken glass. Has someone broken in? I look around and it' s dark. Eric isn' t here neither. Maybe it' s him since security is everywhere so it' s not possible that someone broke in. I then try to fall asleep again.

 I hear someone open the door and I smell his intoxicating cologne. I scrunch my nose to make my body believe that it' s disgusting. He then procideds to take a shower because I hear the running water. After a while it stops and he comes out. I hear clothes shuffle. After he has changed I feel the other side of the bed going down. I smell alcohol. Since when does he drink this late. Is he stressing out recently? Not like I care. After so much blabbering in my mind I go to sleep again. 

The next morning:

Anne's Pov:

Today I woke up but I didn' t see Eric. 

 ,Behaving like a good wife!'.

This is what he said to me and now he won't show up and play his part. I mean not for me but at least for my son. Today Ryan has always asked me after his father. Such a foreign word to my tounge. It' s not like I want him to grow up without a father. My plans were to settle down in the future again when I found the right one. But it looks like I have to get out of this place first.  

After eating lunch with Ri , a maid came to me and told me that Eric has a picknick prepared for us as a family. I scoff at her and tell her that I won' t go since he shoul tell me and not her. I didn' t want to be rude but I reacted out of reflex and didn' t play it in my mind. I am so sorry! The maid looked confused at my behaviour but she nodded and went away. After I picked up Ri. I took him to his room since he was really sleepy from all the playing out in the garden. Luckily he hasn' t forbidden me to go out and take some fresh air. Then I go to my room and start watching some Netflix shows. 


The door opens and I see him standing there in front of me. He looks furious. ,,Marie. Why are you always so stubborn.'' I roll my eyes at him. Seurously now he wants to play happy family. ,,What?'' I ask innocently. He pinches the bridge of his nose out of frustration but then he calms down. I ignore him and watch my show further. ,,Marie.''    ,     ,,Yes.''     ,     ,,Stand up!'' I look at him. ,,Why?'' I ask. He comes towards me and I back away. ,,Eric! Stop! My son is alsleep.''     ,       ,,No problem. We will solve the matter elsewhere. You should have thought about it before you did such thing-...'' He was about to grab after me when Ryan suddenly screamed. Sh8t! I forgot to put on the night light. I stand up fastly and sprint towards his room. I see him crying and it breaks my heart seeing him like this. ,,Ryan! Baby, mama is here. Shhhh... everything will be alright. I am sorry I forgot to put on the light.'' He was crying while cluthing to me like a koala baby. How cute he is. I drew circles on his back so my son will relax. After what it felt like hours he drifted to sleep. Then I put the night light on an closed the door behind me. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me downstairs. ,,Eric! Leave me!'' I tried to free myself but that isn' t of much use since he' s far stronger than me. I started to sob. He basically dragged me downstairs to the basement. I knew what now will come. ,,Oh,No.No.No.No. Please. No!'' He then opened the door with his fingerprint and pushed me on the floor. I hit my knees on the hard cement and it hurts. I screamed a little. ,,What the f8c-!'' I feel a stinging pain on my cheek. He slapped me. ,,How many times do I have to repeat myself when you finally understand.'' I am crying nonstop. ,,I didn' t want to do this. Not even after you left me. Not even today but now. You always leave me no choice.'' Eric looks at me but it' s too dark to detect what emotion he' s showing. He then grabs my arm and drags me to a chair. ,,Sit.'' I sit immediately. I fear him. I am shivering so bad. ,,This time I will try a different punishment. So now you will just look and if you move from that chair I will f8cking beat you to death. Do you understand me?'' I nod. ,,I can' t hear you.''   ,     ,,Y-yes.''   ,     ,,Good.'' 

An animal is taken to the basement. I hear a woof. A familiar one. It's  a dog but something tells me it' s someone who I know. Thanks to the dark I don' t see anything. After a few seconds the dog is infront of me and I freeze completely. No, it can' t be. My parents have him. I try to squint my eyes and look at him. My mouth widens.  ,, can' t be!''   ,     ,,Do you recognize him? It's Pam. Your childhood dog.'' I can sense him smirking evily. ,,Please. Whatever you are going to do to him. You can do it to me!'' I am on the verge of breaking and he's amusing himself. What will he do to this poor soul. It' s been years since I saw my family dog. I don' t even know how he got here. There'  s lots of unanswered questions. I can' t keep with sh8t anymore. I am about to stand up when he screams at me. ,,If you try to even f8cking stand up! I am going to break those legs!'' I immideately sit down. I can' t get angry at him now. He nods in satysfication and procides to go to Pam while nodding at the man who brought him here. The man leaves us here and Eric starts to talk: ,,You know. I never had a pet in my whole life. But when I was younger I always wanted one since everyone had them. But she. She was always against having animals. She liked everything clean. Spotless. And well, animals aren' t like us humans and don' t keep themselves clean. But I was really stubborn and wanted one. So I stole one from the streets and secretaly kept him in my room for a whole week. Til she found him and killed him slowly him infront of me.'' I gulp down my saliva. Did Eric just talk about someone in his family? Is it that woman he calls aunt? No. He never feared her and she wouldn' t do that. I am sure of it. But still? And what does he want from Pam?...

 Pam is starting to bark because he' s sensing danger. ,,Shhhhh...Shhhhh...'' Eric gets closer to him and tries to calm him down. I can hear Pam' s skeptalism but then he gets calmer. ,,Good boy.'' Eric ruffles his hairs and Pam jumps in happyness. ,,Now shall we start?'' He is directed towards Pam but I know deep down that he' s asking me. Eric stand up and goes to a table which I can' t see properly. He' s taking something. It looks like a- ,,Eric! Please! No! It' s just a dog!'' I plead him to stop. More tears are falling from my eyes. It gets blurry but I don' t care. But Eric doesn' t stop and takes the gun and procides to go to Pam. ,,Eric! Don' t do that. You have a son!'' He stops and looks at me and I freeze to my spot. He heads towards me. Ups. Did I make him angry? With one hand he points the gun at me and with the other he grabs my hair harshly to make me look ta him. It hurts and I still don' t move. I am too scared of what he will do and I don' t see much. ,,Don' t you ever mention him during your punishments!'' He then pushes me back hard on the chair. It hurts but I don' t make any noise. He' s angry I know that. He procides to head towards Pam and he again senses danger and barks at him. Now he doesn' t stop. Good boy Pam. I know this is irritating Eric. 

,,Marie. Watch.'' Two words. Two meanings. Shortly after them I closed my eyes and I heard a loud shot. The barking stopped.  ,That was a fast death. He didn' t suffer.'' It doesn' t matter. He was a living being from which you took his life. Only god can take lives away. I heard footsteps coming to my direction. My eyes were still closed. I start speaking. ,, How can you be so heartless?'' With closed eyes I could speak with a little confidence. ,,It was only  a dog with no protection.'' Why? Everytime my mind is filled with questions. Suddely I felt my face being grabbed forcefully. ,,First of all. That was a lesson for you. The first one. Because I can kill everybody who is related to you in any way. And that dog was the first victim. Next time I won' t hesitate to take a person. And second. Did I ask you to close your eyes?! You make me so aggressiv. Marie! If you don' t open your f8cking eyes. I have my ways.'' I open my eyes and tears are flowing down my cheeks. I am shivering under his touch and I feel all of my colours fading away. He can' t touch my sister. She shouldn' t be a part of this. ,,Will you now do as I say?!'' He shouted in my ears. ,.Y-y-yes...'' He looks at me deeply.  ,,Good. Now leave.'' What?! After he killed my dog. He asks me to leave. But I have to. I gather all my force and run back into my room. I jump on the bed and take the covers over me and start crying. Today he pulled my last string of humanity.

Thx for reading! Next chapter next week;)!

One quick question for y' all!: 

Would you like to know about Eric' s past more or should I leave it open?

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