Dragons of the north

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We thrive in winter through the cold
And live to be so very old
Feeding on knights both brave and bold
The dragons of the north

We love the ice and frost and snow
In places where you never go
No trace of us will ever show
Veiled dragons of the north

In spring we stay above the cloud
To hide from humans we've avowed
So, to be seen is not allowed
Of dragons from the north

Creeping around like shifty crooks
We hide away in story books
Confiding only in the rooks
Us dragons of the north

In summertime we sleep all day
It's just too hot to fly or play
We much prefer the Nordic way
Ice dragons of the north

So when the little girls and boys
Hear beating wings creating noise
And lack of evidence annoys
It's dragons of the north

When autumn comes around we sneak
To whip up leaves and havoc wreak
Maintaining our special mystique
We dragons of the north

But fear not our teeth and claws
Or scaly backs and open jaws
You're in no danger now because
We're dragons of the north

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