princess and the dragon

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A tale of truth I'll tell to you
If you've the ears to hear
A tale as told to me before
By someone who was there

So don't mistake this one with those
Passed on as mere hearsay
Though it is told as second hand
'Tis witness of those days

The disposition of the King
Was full of love, and bright
His only daughter, his Princess,
The cause of his delight

But one thing gave him such concern
And haunted all his dreams
The Dragon living just nearby
A fearsome beast it seemed

The kingdom lived in constant fear
That Dragon was so close
They kept themselves indoors at night
Their temperament morose

Oh! Who will save us from this beast?
The cry so often heard
Surely the King will intervene
We must to him send word

And so the King sent a decree
Throughout all of his land
A Dragon slaying knights reward
Would be his daughters hand

A prize of such high magnitude
Was sure to bring them aid
And sure enough the knights they came
Their coats of arms displayed

From far flung kingdoms they arrived
All royal Princes, Knights
And swore to vanquish did they then
To claim the marriage rights

But one by one they disappeared
And word of failures came
As all were killed and then consumed
Within the Dragons flame

The kingdoms mood a down turn took
This Dragon was too strong
If news like this continued on
They'd have no knights ere long

And so as numbers dwindled low
The King sent news anew
To anyone his daughters hand
If saving them they'd do

"To lift us from our constant fear
Of Dragons, this I ask
The prize will be the same to they
Who succeeds in this task

And half my kingdoms treasures too
The dowry I will give
To anyone who lifts this fear
In which we all do live"

So in the minds of every man
The thought would now occur
And in the kingdom far and wide
A fervour it did stir

The princess, fair and clever too
Had now begun to plan
If I should win this prize you know
I might yet choose my man

'Twould be my choice from any beau
If my own hand I won
And then a husband of my pick
Would be the Kings new son

This plan if right would change her world
And so away she snuck
Away to seek the Dragons lair
And on its heart strings pluck

For she had thought both long and hard
On how to stop the beast
And come to the conclusion that
Its fierce ways might be ceased

To bring the Dragon back to be
An ally to the King
Would be a greater good than just
To go and slay the thing

And finding where the dragon lived
She left a note to say
That she'd return to have a talk
Unarmed, to fears allay

She met the beast and chatted long
Into the afternoon
To help defend the kingdom would
Be wise and such a boon

Befriending Kings may not have been
The Dragons way before
But this young girl seemed honest and
Had proved what she stood for

The sense of what she said was plain
To anyone who heard
And Dragons, good of heart, will not
Refute such noble words

She'd made her case to be its friend
In language short and plain
The Dragon thought it over and
Then to her did exclaim

"To live inside the castle walls
Would be the greatest thing!"
So all that there was left to do
Was to convince the King

So off she went straight way back home
Her Father to persuade
She hushed him and she sat him down
And her debate she made

"A kingdom with a resident
Of Dragon kin will be
A force that shall be reckoned with
Of that you must agree"

The King conceded there and then
No argument he gave
His daughter's wisdom won the day
She was both wise and brave

So her true love she picked and wed
And twas no great surprise
That Kingly blessing followed too
And all lived happy lives

The King, the Queen, the Dragon too
The Princess and new Prince
Were blessed with life long happiness
And peace has reigned ere since

The moral of this tale is clear
To all you meet, be fair
All parties your respect deserve
To every one give care.

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