The way Alastor said 'whilst you were ill' so casually and confidently caught Sam off guard. The man said it in a way that made even him question everything that had happened.

"Samuel?" Alastor spoke, snapping his fingers in front of the teen's face.

Sam blinked and looked up. "R-Right! Yeah, I-I'll go g-grab one." He stuttered, getting off the bed and walking over to his room, grabbing a dark brown woolen coat. He put it on and looked in the mirror that hung on the side of the closet.

It fit him very well. Perfectly as a matter of fact.

He had to admit, he looked nice. He was clean, healthy, warm, well-fed, hydrated... and he still had his sister by his side...

A small smile began to form on his face. Is this what real happiness feels like?


Sam turned around and saw Edith, all bundled up in her warm pink outfit. "Are you coming!?" She asked, still giddy from excitement.

The teen's smile widened his sister was happy, he was happy... what could be better?

"Yeah. Yeah I'm coming Edi." He said, walking towards the girl and grabbing her hand, heading down the halls to the stairs.

"I'm so exited!!" The girl exclaimed, jumping up and down and she tried to hurry her brother to go faster.

Same chuckled, "I can see that Edi! It's pretty obvious."

Edith giggled as she pulled on her brother's hand. Sam thought of just how lucky he was to be the big brother to such an adorable little sister. She's always had such a bright and contagious smile that could light up an entire room of depressed people in seconds.

When the two reached the foyer of the house, they saw Alastor putting his coat and hat on. The coat was a deep crimson color and his hat was a gray fedora with a maroon trim both of which complimented the rest of his outfit. Alastor looked up and saw the two walking towards him. "Ah, splendid you're both here and bundled up quite well." He said, looking at the two's clothing before zoning in on Edith.

He smiled brightly, "Edith, darling, would you be a dear and quickly grab my work papers from the dining room table for me?"

"Okay!" She said before skipping away down the hall towards the dining room.

When she was out of sight Alastor turned towards the teen. "I trust your memory is well enough to remember our little chat from yesterday? Or do you need a reminder?" He said rather quietly, his tone, unreadable.

"No. I don't need a reminder. I remember." Sam said, copying the semi-quiet talking level. "I didn't lie to you. I don't want to run away anymore. I don't."

"Wonderful! There won't be any issues then!" Alastor said, slightly louder, the tone brightening. Especially when Edith came skipping back towards them, a small stack of papers neatly in her hands.

When she got to the two she held up the stack of papers to Alastor who gladly took them. "Thank you, dearest! What a big help you are! Well, best we be off then!" He said as he opened the front door, stepping aside for Edith and Sam to step out first.

As Sam stepped closer to the nice red car that sat in the driveway, his amazement got more intense. Sure, he had seen the car from behind the house's windows before, watching Alastor and Edith go off to wherever it was they went, but he hadn't seen it up close.

The Radio Kids. (Hazbin Hotel Fanfiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora