Four x Kratcy: internal pissing, praise, domination

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Four growled loudly, pushing kratcy into the soft grass, watching as the shorter, russian boy fell backwards, hitting the ground with a thud as his cap flew off, soft raspberry red hair spilling out around his head, almost appearing like a halo.

Four growled.
"I can't believe you think you're more powerful than me!"
He could hear the other boy's breath hitch, clearly threatened by this display
"Please! Was joke!"
He yelled, unsure as to what four would do to him.

Four chuckled throatily, standing over the redheaded russian, watching as the boy below him suddenly sat up and pulled his legs to his chest, face flushing bright.

Kratcy whimpered loudly, attempting to hide his shame. Four looked down at him, tilting his head to the side as he quickly growled at kratcy:
"What are you hiding?"
Kratcy shivered, shaking his head no.

Four growled, watching as kratcy slowly opened his legs, revealing a firm, bulging tent in his red skinny jeans.

"Fuck...are you getting off on this?"
Four asked, smirking as he looked down at the (still blushing) letter boy.

Kratcy squealed, nodding slowly there was no way he could even try to deny it...

Four slowly knelt down I'm front of him, tilting kratcy's head upwards and locking their lips in a kiss, he growled, kratcy's sweet, yet somehow metallic raspberry flavor driving him crazy.

Kratcy whined into the kiss, practically bucking his hips upwards.
He whined, feeling four press his palm into the crotch of his pants.

Four pulled away for a second, a shimmering, translucent cord of saliva connecting them, as kratcy squealed, shivering in his own desire.

Four inhaled kratcy's sweet, metallic scent, feeling the other boy tremble under him.

Four chuckled, gently pressing his thumb against kratcy's cheek
"My gosh, you are the best russian letter, aren't you?"
Kratcy can only whimper, swallowing the saliva pooling underneath his tongue.

Four pushed kratcy down, unzipping his jeans and sliding them, along with his boxers, revealing just how embarrassingly hard he was...

Four growled, spreading kratcy's legs somewhat forcibly, revealing his dripping slit, he looked beautiful and ready to be fucked, Four chuckled, unzipping his jeans and pulling out his massive cock.

Kratcy squeaked, watching as four lined up with his enterence, preparing to push in.

Four growled, thrusting in quickly and smoothly as kratcy's eyes rolled back, releived to actually be getting fucked.

Four thrusted in again, pushing in firmer this time on purpose. Kratcy moaned loudly
"Ahan~ please!~"
He keened, attempting to buck backwards into four's touch.

Four huffed, biting into kratcy's neck with significant force, enough to break the skin. Kratcy shrieked at this, still getting desperately pounded from behind.

Kratcy keened, cumming onto the grass below him as four huffed
"such a good little letter, you make such pretty sounds~"
Four growled, attempting desperately to hit kratcy's sweet spot.

Kratcy screamed, feeling four pound into him perfectly. Four dug his claws into kratcy's back, attempting to mark him further,four bit back down onto kratcy's neck, causing him to sob out in pain.

Four huffed loudly, growling out:
"Getting close...gonna cum inside"
Kratcy squealed, feeling four press against his sweet spot, causing him to cum.

Four screeched, pouring hot cum inside as kratcy squeezed around four's cock, trying to milk him of every drop...




After four finished...he didn't pull out, just as kratcy was bathing in the orgasmic afterglow, he suddenly felt a hot, liquid torrent of warmth fill him.

He sighed softly managing to whine out a pathetic:
As four filled him with his warm piss, undeniably claiming him on a deeper level.

"Mmmhn~'s so warm~"
He whined in an exhausted, but sultry tone, looking down and noticing the small bulge in his belly from how full up he was.

Four finished receiving himself and pulled out, leaving kratcy alone in the grass, satisfied...

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