Love Entitled, No More.

Comincia dall'inizio

Our Denny's routine became a lifeline. Amidst the clatter of cutlery and the aroma of frying onions, we built a bridge of truth. It wasn't perfect, mind you. There were awkward silences, nervous fumbles, and the occasional spill of brown sauce, courtesy of my perpetually clumsy hands. But through it all, there was a silent understanding, a feeling that in each other, we'd found something we wouldn't find anywhere else.

Then life, the great rent collector, came knocking. Between rehearsals and business plans, our Denny's rendezvous dwindled. The exhaustion etched on Chizuru's face mirrored my own. We were both running on fumes, clinging to the edges of our dreams. We needed a break, a reset button before the fabric of our little bubble unraveled.

That's when Chizuru's voice broke through the Denny's haze, offering an escape hatch. The National Museum's fall garden, a splash of color amidst the concrete jungle. It was a step up, alright, from Denny's booths and borrowed smiles. A real date, disguised as a casual weekend stroll.

My heart thumped a staccato rhythm against my ribs. Was I ready for this? For Chizuru, not as Mizuhara, but as Chizuru-san, the girl who made me laugh over greasy napkins and listen to my soul-baring monologues?

My fingers fumbled with my phone, the "Saturday?" flickering on the screen like a neon sign advertising a future I wasn't sure I deserved. But then I looked at Chizuru, her eyes sparkling with a kind of hope I hadn't seen in them before. And in that moment, with the smell of Denny's clinging to my clothes and the weight of her gaze on my face, I knew I couldn't say no.

The National Museum's gardens would be our next chapter, a blank canvas beyond the flickering neon of Denny's. And as I typed "See you then," a feeling blossomed in my chest, warm and sweet like the maple syrup clinging to my waffles. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a step up. Maybe, it was the first step towards something entirely new, something real, something Kazuya and Chizuru, not rental girlfriend and client, could write together.

"Hold up... fam, you were the rental girlfriend and dude was the client, but he's out here dropping rental fees like he's copping groceries for the whole block. Man's paying up like he's hedging bets on survival or somethin'. Hana would deadass despise me if I was in your shoes right now, fr."

Shinichi Sakurai, the even-keeled-slash-closet-nutjob friend of mine sent a Twitter direct message, sarcastic as always.

What About Us? 

A wry smile curved Chizuru's lips as she took a sip of her iced tea. "Ah, yes, the allowance analogy. Quirky, wasn't it?"

Kazuya's face burned. It had been their first proper date, a picnic under the vibrant canopy of the National Museum's fall garden. The tension crackled around them like autumn leaves whispering secrets on the wind. And he, of course, had blurted out the most awkward thing since, well, since asking his rental girlfriend to be his real girlfriend.

"I, uh... I just meant," he stammered, "it just seemed a bit unorthodox, you know? The whole... payment thing."

Chizuru set down her glass, eyes glinting with mischief. "Unorthodox? Perhaps. But in that strange little world we built," she paused, the air humming with unspoken memories, "wasn't everything a little unorthodox?"

The words hung suspended between them, heavy with the baggage of their shared past. Denial felt futile, so Kazuya sighed, running a hand through his already ruffled hair. "Yeah, I guess you're right. It was pretty messed up, wasn't it?"

A soft chuckle escaped Chizuru's lips. "Messed up, maybe. But also..." she trailed off, gazing at the riot of reds and oranges swirling around them, "a beautiful kind of mess, don't you think?"

A Love Stronger Than WhispersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora