Part 2: Searching

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                                                                                           May 20, 2021

         Last nights dream was one of the worst. I couldn't stop shaking but I couldn't move. This feeling...this intense fear.....just isn't disappearing. I've got to find out what is happening to me, I need to fix this. After a few hours I calmed down and started to pack my bag. I wasn't sure where to start or what I needed to find. I went to the train station to buy a ticket so I had to decide where to go, as my mind filled with choices the photographs I grabbed all those years ago popped into my brain and I bought a ticket to the closet town to the tall woods as I could. Scared to return my mind traveled back to the past.


May 2015

          As I exited this tormented home I was worried about the deep darkened forest surrounding this spot. It was almost dusk and i didn't have much time to get through these woods but without thinking I plunged into the abyss. I had been walking for hours with unchanging scenery the sun had long gone down and it was now pitch black. I made my way to a tree and got some sleep. For over a week I was trapped in a labyrinth of trees, without food, and without any gear. I did however have some water I got in a stream on the second day. The fifth and sixth day were the worst. Walking around dehydrated with only a few drops of water left; I wanted to eat something, but everything looked too dangerous. There were no deer, no rabbits, no signs of life, this was not an ordinary forest. As I was drifting into my slumber I heard a weird sound, it was deep and almost sounded like a voice. I tried to see through blanket of black that covered the area, seeing nothing I tried to sleep again this time it had been several minutes after I had fallen into my dreams. The sound returned this time it was louder and much closer, I opened my eyes to see two huge bloody eyes looking at me.

*End of Flashback*

       The train came to a stop and mind came back to my body. I grabbed my bag and headed to the town, I had some money from a part time job I got when I finally got out of there. I bought some gear and plenty of food and water, I was not going to be unprepared I also grabbed some weaponry to protect my self with. I had gotten a small sword and a bow and arrow, i'm not entirely sure why but these two weapons stuck out to me. I paid the storekeeper and headed into the woods.

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