Dreams or Memories

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                                                                      May 17, 2021

          My dream last night wasn't a repeating one but it was the same as all the others. These dreams they haunt me they stick and don't go away. I'm scared. They say dreams reveal the truth and that is truly terrifying. I don't remember when I started having all these similar dreams it feels like I was a child when it first began. I don't have memories before I turned 15. I woke up in a small house it was very dirty, the walls were decaying, the ceiling was leaking, and the doors were all torn down. I searched the tiny desolate house. Each room seemed so dismal; I tried to find something to tell me where I was, but couldn't find anything. There was a room that was full of pictures although they were burnt you could still make out the images each one had people in it, happy people. This room felt so nostalgic it was almost as if I knew it. These people were in many of the photographs, I looked through what felt like thousands of pictures still I found one at the very end of a woman smiling she looked like she was in her 20's she hadn't been in an of the other pictures. And for some reason this seemed older it was older material and was darker. After I examined the woman I decided to take the photo along with some others. I moved onto the next room it was a boys room; it had broken games and some clothes that were close to ashes. An abandoned room that was unfamiliar but still filled me with sorrow. Dejected I looked through two more rooms and found some supplies, I put them all in a bag and headed out the door. We're these dreams about my past? Was that house important? It's already been seven years.

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