Just Stop - Lucy Bronze x Teen! Reader

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EvErYoNe sAy a pRaYer fOr dE sKeeTyEet oN dE Discord
ThEyRe aBsoLutElY fAwKeD lUl

"Y/N! Get your head in it!" Alexia commanded as she ran past you. "You can't let them past you!"

You'd been off all game, unable to stop the Madrid Forwards from getting into the 18-yard box. Clearly, your teammates were getting frustrated.

"Fuck," you hissed, sprinting after Hayley Raso immediately after she slipped the ball between your legs. The Australian had nearly made it into the 6-yard box when your mom slid into the ball cleanly, knocking it out of play.

The older Defender looked furious as she approached.

"Y/N! What the hell are you doing?" Your mom growled, fisting the collar of your jersey. "We're barely beating these idiots. You cannot be giving away these chances."

"Sorry," you mumbled, staring down at the torn-up turf. "I-"

"Just stop," she glared. "Get your head in the game or I swear I will have Jonatan sub you off."

She had you subbed off approximately two minutes later.


"Good job, Y/N," Ona's voice was soft as you dropped into the seat to her right. "You did well out there."

"Mhm," you grumbled. "I did well giving Madrid opportunities."

"We all have those games, Y/N," she placed a hand on your shoulder which you shrugged off immediately. "Don't be too hard on yourself."

You said nothing, merely crossing your arms and scowling. You didn't need her pity.


Barca ended up winning 2-1, courtesy of a late winner from Frido.

"Y/N, where are you going?" Irene questioned as you pushed open the changing room door with your kit bag in hand.

"Out," you stated bluntly, drawing the attention. "Have fun."

Lucy sighed as the door slammed shut behind you. "Maybe I was too hard on her."

Alexis grimaced. "I think I was, too."

"Just let her calm down," Aitana suggested. "We all know 'out' means she's going home to play video games."

A smile tugged at the corners of Lucy's mouth. "Touché."


You trudged into the kitchen, placing a slice of bread into the toaster while pushing the can of aerosol on the counter to the side. The almost fatal errors you'd made on the pitch were still fresh in your mind, so you'd decided that you were going to stress eat them away.

It was a fool-proof plan that was going perfectly until the smoke detectors began beeping.

"Aw, come onnn," you complained, reaching for the fire extinguisher. "I just wanted toast. Is that too much to ask?"

To make matters worse, the can of aerosol about a foot away exploded from the flames, debris flying past you and scratching your cheek. The cut wasn't too bad, only stinging a little bit as blood trickled down to your neck.

You sighed as your ears rang, dousing the small kitchen fire with the extinguisher. "I hate my life."


"Why the hell's my phone blowing up?" Lucy murmured, fishing the device out of her pocket. "I- WHAT THE FUCK!?"

The Englishwoman shot to her feet, startling the other Barcelona Femeni in the room.

"Lucy? What's the matter?" Ingrid asked worriedly. "Is it Y/N?"

"Of course it's Y/N," Lucy was panicking. "My neighbor's just texted sayin' there was a boom and they've sent a picture of smoke comin' out the windows."

"Dios mio," Alexia bit her lip. "Ingrid, Mapi, Ona, come on. Lucy, we're going with you."

The four broke many traffic laws that night.


"Y/N?" Your mom was already out of the car before it stopped moving. "Y/N, kiddo, where are ya?"

You pried open the front door grumpily, some type of burn on your left hand clearly visible under the bright fluorescent entryway lights. "Wha-?"

"You're hurt!" She shrieked, forcing you to the ground where she placed your head on her lap. "You're bleeding!"

"Mum, it's just a scratch," you protested, squirming uncomfortably as the frantic Lioness tried to wipe away the crimson fluid on both your face and neck. "I'm fine."

"Y/N, what happened?" Ingrid's eyes were wide as she, Alexia, and Mapi jogged over.

"Mum didn't clean the toaster," you responded, turning your head away from your mom's insistent hands. "It caught on fire."

"What!?" Mapi exclaimed. "Wait... you put it out, right?"

"Duh," you rolled your eyes. "Do you see the house in flames right now?"

Your mom finally let you up, taking your head in her hands one last time. "Are you sure you're alright? Do I need to call an ambulance?"

"Yes, mum, I'm fine," you groaned for the thirtieth time that day. "Can you stop? I'd rather you go back to yelling at me."

She instantly looked guilty. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I was just really dead-set on winning. Not that it's an excuse."

Alexia nodded. "I'm sorry too, Y/N. I only want what's best for you as a player and a person. I was just frustrated that you weren't playing as well as I know you can."

You raised your eyebrows at your mom. "I'll forgive you and Ale if you both buy me McDonalds tomorrow."

"Fiiine," she shook her head in amusement as she ruffled your hair. "You're ridiculous sometimes, you know that?"

"Yeah, but you love me."




Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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