I Love How I Make You Melt - Mary Fowler x Reader

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This one's a request from @Ilovecharligrant ! I'm doing my best to get to all requests, but I have to do some research since I have no idea who 90% of the people yall requested are, and Kyra Cooney-Cross and Mary Fowler just happen to be the ones I know. That's all, enjoy!

You trudged onto the bus much before everyone else, absolutely exhausted from the training Tony had put you through. You threw yourself into your usual seat by the window, groaning tiredly and closing your eyes.

You ran a hand down your face, only cracking your eyes open when you felt someone sit next to you.

"Hi babes," Mary greeted softly, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "You okay? You look exhausted."

"I'm tiiiiired," you whined, stretching out the first vowel. "Fuckin' Tony."

Your girlfriend chuckled at your childlike attitude. "Come 'ere, lay your head on my chest."

You happily complied, sighing contentedly when she wrapped her arms around you. "Love you," you mumbled, reaching up and squeezing Mary's hand. "So much."

"I love you too, darling," she smiled, kissing the top of your head sweetly. "Now take a nap, I'll wake you up once we get back to the hotel."


3rd Person POV:

"Awwwww," the majority of the Matildas cooed.

"Shut up!" Mary hissed. "You're gonna wake 'er up!"

"Jeez, someone's snappy," Mackenzie huffed. "Quick! Sam, Kyra, take a picture!"

Mary glared at the Keeper, wrapping her arms tighter around her sleeping girlfriend. "Just sit your asses down and let's get going."


"Baby? We're here, you gotta get up," Mary said softly, brushing your hair aside. "Up you go."

You groaned, unmoving.

"Y/N, come on, love," Mary prodded, frowning when you didn't move. "Fine, we'll do it your way then."

As soon as your girlfriend finish her sentence, you yelped as she picked you up and threw you over her shoulder like a ragdoll.

"Babe!" you protested, try to squirm free. "I can walk!"

"Well, shouldn't have tested me then," she teased, giving you a playful glare that you couldn't see. "Oi, Macca! Take that picture now!"

"No!" you shrieked, covering your face as the entirety of the AUSWNT snapped photos. "MARY!"

"Told ya not to test me," she smirked. "This coulda been avoided if you just got off the bus like a normal person."

"I'm tired!"

"Mary, whadya want the caption to be?" Sam cut in, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "For Insta."

"'POV: the baby's tired after practice'," she answered, heading towards the hotel's lift. [Is that what they're called in Australia? Idk lol] "The fans'll enjoy that one."

"I hate you," you grumbled, swatting at your captain and girlfriend. "You fuckin' bullies."

"I'm your best friend, you don't hate me," Sam boasted. "And there ain't no way you hate Mary either, you're too lovestruck."

"I hate it when you're right," you glared. "Fuck you!"

Sam smirked. "You'll have to fight Kristie for that."

You gaped. Jumping off of Mary, you yelled, "SAMANTHA MAY KERR, GET YOUR ASS BACK 'ERE!"

So sorry if it's bad, I barely know anything about Mary besides the fact that she plays for the AUSWNT and wears gloves 😅 nevertheless, hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading!

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