3 - Firecrackers and Actual Crackers

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WE WENT TO check out the explosion, but we were cautious not to get caught by dead people. So we used the back way behind all the shops. This lead to an alley with dumpsters, where I was always sent by Forrest to throw away trash from The Coffee House, and we could get a good view of the street from the alley. Well, good enough to see where the explosion came from.

I peeked around the corner. I was confused to see that there was nobody. Not a zombie, not a human, no one. I stepped out from behind the wall. Part of a skyscraper in the distance was smoking. There must have been an explosion from there, because it looked like some giant had taken a bite out of the building. Obviously, that's not what happened, it was just a metaphorical way of describing how the building looked.

"What do we do now?" One of the girls asked. She was a blonde. Her friend looked around as if she didn't know what to say to that question.

"I think we should stick together," answered Xander. "If one of you gets ambushed by zombies, there's only one person to fight everyone off. With a group, it's easier to defend others." Okay, I was starting to think this guy really took his zombie games seriously. But it would definitely come in handy as a group, defending zombies, so I agreed with him. So did Forrest and Julian, and the girls did, too.

I looked around at the "abandoned" street before me. There were only shops like barber shops, hardware stores, and things that didn't have much use at the moment. A few shops down from where we stood, I saw a grocery store. I looked back at everyone. "We could get food," I suggested. I'd be surprised if they protested, but they didn't. We all walked to the grocery store.

Because there were six of us, it was a big grocery store, and we didn't know how many zombies were lurking, we divided into groups of two. We decided to go with the person we knew and trusted the most. So the two girls went together, Julian and Xander paired up, and I ventured off to find snacks with Forrest. Somehow we ended up at the fireworks display.

I grabbed a box of firecrackers. I told Forrest that if a group of zombies attacked, we could just fire the firecrackers to fend them off and buy time for a while. He rolled his eyes and agreed, but I knew my idea was great. We walked off to get some chips.

The aisle was all messed up. Boxes of chips were left open and scattered across the floor, and cereal at the end of the aisle was left opened and spilled everywhere. The shelves were almost empty. We got to the middle of the aisle before we actually saw something worth taking.

"Crackers," said Forrest. "These could last a while. If we find a time where we can't leave for more food, these could come in handy. Grab a few." He continued looking while I grabbed the rest of the boxes. I was surprised no one was buying any. I turned to find Forrest, but instead I came face to face with the floor. Someone tripped me and I dropped the boxes of crackers. I flipped over to see how kicked me off my balance, expecting to see a bandit, but instead I was looking up at a girl.

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