Chapter 7

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Nuea's eyes widened in shock, his mouth opened wide in disbelief at what he saw. However, it wasn't just Nuea who was shocked, almost all of the people who were there widened their eyes in disbelief.

' Their campus legend is kissing rain .... kissing rain ... KISSING RAIN. ' They thought to themselves.

But their shock didn't stop there, they were even more shocked when Rain easily and mercilessly slammed Phayu. RAIN JUST SLAMMED THEIR CAMPUS LEGEND.

When Rain was kissed, his eyes widened, but it was only for a moment before Rain took over Phayu's hand, turned his body and very easily slammed Phayu in the blink of an eye. Rain twisted Phayu's hands behind his body and pressed Phayu with his body.
Phayu, who had been enjoying a soft kiss with Rain's lips, couldn't process what happened next. All he knew was that his body was facing the ground, his hands were locked behind his back and his body couldn't move because someone was pinning him down

"Phi Rain" Nuea shouted when he started to conscious. Nuea immediately ran towards rain and tried to pull off rain from Phayu.

"phi rain... phi rain..." called nuea again. Rain came back to his senses when he heard his twin brother calling his name. When he realized that, Rain immediately untied Phayu's hands and stood up from above Phayu's body.
When the weight on his body started to lift, Phayu started to stand up, he was helped by several other students.

"rain... what are you doing... slamming Phi Phayu like that?" said one of the people who helped Phayu. Rain frowned in disapproval.

"It's not my fault... he kissed me first... my body just moved reflexively," said Rain, annoyed.

"You can push him.. you don't need to slam phi phayu," he replied. Rain rolled his eyes.

"Can I really control my body's reflexes? My body moves on its own. Besides... why did he suddenly kiss me?" Rain said again. the person who helped Phayu just sighed before he looked back at Phayu

"Phi... Phi Phayu, is everything okay?" he asked. He was worried that Phayu would be angry with Rain. He knows that apart from being a campus legend, Phayu's family background is also not just any family. He didn't want Rain to get into trouble. Seeing this, Phayu didn't show any annoyance or anger, instead he smiled broadly.

'This is the first time someone has rejected my kiss' thought Phayu.

Phayu is not as playboy as Phai who likes to play with everyone who invites him to play. But Phayu is also a normal man who needs satisfaction, usually when he needs satisfaction he will look for someone he likes and when he approaches that person, that person will immediately bend the knee to him.

Everyone he met always threw their bodies at him willingly and this was the first time someone had thrown his body in the real meaning. Phayu smiled and this smile made the people around him scream hysterically.

"I'm fine... don't blame Nong Rain... it was my fault for suddenly kissing Nong Rain.. So.. Im sorry about my behaviour," Phayu said softly.

"phi... why did phi phayu suddenly kiss rain?" asked someone.

"Oh... because Nong Rain is cute so I couldn't resist teasing him..." Phayu replied, chuckling softly. Rain frowned.

'THIS MAN IS NOT SANE' shouted Rain in his mind.

"By the way, Phi Phayu... What is Phi Phayu's purpose here for?" said someone again.

"I'm here... to meet Nong Rain of course," Phayu replied casually. This made everyone around even more surprised.

"What does Phi Phayu need to do with rain?" asked another.

"I...." Before Phayu answered the question, someone shouted his name.

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