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𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘, you haven't been sleeping well. Not that it's surprising. You've always been prone to nightmares, usually getting them almost every night for a week or two every couple of months or so. You've tried sleeping medication and mindfulness practices, but nothing helps.

Most recently, it's been this recurring dream about your brother. He's on the verge of death, kidnapped and tortured by the Mazoku. You try to save him, try to do something, anything, but you can't move. You can't even speak. You try to scream, you try to call out to him, but no noise comes out. 

You wake in a cold sweat afterward, your breathing all shaky. Then, you go get water and watch some TV, knowing it'll take a couple of hours to fall asleep again.

Unfortunately, you've been oversleeping a bit, thankfully wake up early enough that if you rush through your routine, you won't be late for work. But today was different.

Bakugou had noticed, walking over and knocking on your door. When you didn't respond, the knocks got louder and louder until they turned into pounding which caused you to jolt awake.

"_____, if you don't say anything right now, I will break down this damn door!" He remarked, his voice a mix of irritation and worry.

"I'm up!" You called back. "What the hell are you doing in there? You're going to be late for work!"

You glanced over at your clock, seeing that you only had ten minutes until you were supposed to get there..and it was a thirty-minute drive.

"Shit." You mumbled under your breath, jumping out of bed, almost tripping over your blanket as you ran to your dresser. You grabbed something presentable, and threw it on, then fixed up your hair the best you could.

You crammed the now cold eggs Bakugou had made into your mouth, along with some toast. You ran round the apartment like a crazed woman, hardly focused on him chastising you for waking up so late.

You almost broke your ankle as you got into the car, yelling at your roommate to drive. He did as told, driving slightly faster due to your tardiness

"Did you set the three alarms like I told you to?" He asked. "Yes, I did. I just overslept, okay?"

"Well you've been waking up later and later every day this week and it's concerning. Is there something going on?"

You rolled your eyes in response. He sounded like an overprotective mother who thinks you're doing drugs. "No, I'm fine. It's not that big of a deal, Bakugou."

But it is a big deal. Bakugou knows how much you care about work. He knows how driven and ambitious you are, so the fact that you're willing to be late like this is worrying.

"Okay, whatever you say. But you know you can talk to me, right? I'm here for a reason." He said, his eyes locking with yours.

The look on his face almost made you feel bad for not telling him. But you didn't want to be that vulnerable around him. You weren't ready. You had to protect yourself. You couldn't get hurt. Not again.

Bakugou was so distracted with you that he didn't notice when debris flew off the truck in front of him. It was too late by the time he saw it, he was driving right over it. Then there was a loud hissing sound, and he swerved right off the road, slamming on the breaks.

"You okay?" He asked once the car came to a complete stop. "Yeah, I'm fine."

You replied. Shocked and processing what just happened, sure. But besides that, you were fine. Physically, at least.

"Stay in the car." He told you, putting his hazards on and stepping outside to see the damage. Cars whizzed by, occasionally shaking the vehicle from how fast they were going.

After a few minutes, he opened the trunk, rumbling around. You turned over your shoulder, facing him and trying to figure out how bad it was. "The tire popped. Call your boss and let him know you're going to be late."

Frustrated you rested your head on the dashboard, groaning to yourself. This day keeps getting better and better.

A solid fifteen minutes went by and you started to wonder what was the holdup. You spotted him trying to get the lugnuts off the tire, struggling slightly. It was kind of entertaining to see someone so perfect have such a hard time doing something so simple.

"Need help?" You offered. He frowned at you. "What are you doing out here? Get back in the car right now before someone sees."

"Relax, we're facing away from the road. No one can see us. Here, let me-"

"For once can you just listen? Go." He was already frustrated from struggling with the car and worrying about you. Your being out here was only making him more irritable.

Unfortunately, you were in a bad mood too, and his snapping at you only made things worse.

"It doesn't matter if I'm standing out here or sitting in the car. Either way, we're going to be stuck here for a while, especially with how much you're struggling. This is all your fault. I'm gonna be late now just because you couldn't mind your own business and had to worry about things that don't concern you."

"Oh, so it's my fault for looking out for you? You were going to be late either way just because you couldn't drag your lazy ass out of bed. I don't even know why I bother." He shot back.

You scowled at him, mumbling swears under your breath. You had enough of his shit. So, you crouched down beside him, trying to push him away and grab hold of the wrench.

"What're you doing?" He snapped, having a metal grip on the tool. "You're not doing it right! Just- give it!"

"No!" He tore the wrench from your grip, causing you to fall backward slightly. You ignored the apologetic and shocked look on his face, and the rage bubbling up inside you.

You took a deep breath, getting to your feet and straightening yourself up. "You have to move the wrench in the opposite direction if you want the lug nuts to come off. You'll feel when they get loose."

He did as told, realizing you were obviously right. "...Thanks."

"Whatever." You mumbled in response. You busied yourself with your phone, deciding to take this time to call work and let them know you were running late.

You drummed your fingers against your hip impatiently while the line rang, standing away from the car and gazing into the distance. Your eyes caught onto something. A figure growing closer and closer to you. 

Your was racing and your heart was pounding as the ringing of your phone faded into the background. Whoever it was, they were getting closer and closer. You had to get out of here.

"Bakugou, There's someone-" But before you could finish that sentence, it was too late.

(A/N: Y'all know I love my cliff hangers 🤭🤭🤭

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