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"𝐈 can handle myself just fine, Bakugou." You told him when he recommended self-defense training, despite how you told him time and time again that you knew how to fight and protect yourself.

"I know you do. But this is different. Don't you remember what those guys were like? They're not going to hold back. They're going to use their quirks on you. They'll do whatever it takes to kill you." He said as if you didn't already know that.

You sighed, stepping back from the punching bag, and grabbing some water. "Fine. If you think I'm that helpless, why don't you and I spar?"

He paused at that, a smirk growing across his face. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

"I'm positive. And you know what? How about this? If I win, I get bragging rights and extra candy and ice cream for the week. If you win, you get to give me self-defense lessons, and Ihave to eat whatever nutritional bullshit you want." You told him.

Bakugou smirked. He's always up for a challenge. "You're on."

The two of you walked over to the ring in the center of the gym, which had a small mat on it. "Any ground rules?"

"Not that I can think of..let's just try not to kill each other I guess." You shrugged. "Really? That's the fun part."

He remarked, making you laugh. "Alright, quit stalling. Let's do this already."

You attacked first, charging at Bakugou, but he dodged you. Despite how big he was compared to you, he was fast, and you could hardly see him before he threw an explosive blow. He hit you in the shoulder, sending you flying backward and making you tumble.

Shit. You thought to yourself as you got to your feet. This was going to be difficult, not that it was surprising, considering that he was one of the strongest proheroes in all of Japan.

"You didn't think I was going to go easy on you, did you?" He asked as he threw another blow. This one you managed to dodge.

"I knew you weren't." You threw a punch at him, which he caught with your fist, flinging your entire body with incredible strength. You managed to catch yourself, your knees sliding off the mat and against the linoleum floor. You gritted your teeth in frustration, hissing in pain.

You got up before he could attack, moving faster than before. You were determined not to lose. Or if you did, you'd go down swinging. You just wanted a couple of good hits, that's all.

He threw another explosive blow at you, and you kicked his arm away in response, not letting him land. While he was vulnerable, you landed another punch, right in his stomach.

"I'm not going easy on you either." You remarked. You noticed a glint of anger and competitiveness in his eye, and before you could react, there was another explosion, this time it was at your side.

It sent you flying and you tumbled, stopping yourself before you could hit the wall. You're definitely going to have bruises after this. You ran back at him, and he sent you flying back with another explosive blow. You got to your feet again, refusing to give up, and kicking him.

He blocked your kick and pushed you backward, but you used your momentum to push yourself forward and uppercut his jaw. He bit on his lip, making it bleed. He rubbed at his jaw and then he was gone, out of your line of sight.

The next thing you knew, he had his arms around you, throwing you to the floor and knocking the wind out of you, before pinning you underneath him. You wheezed out, catching your breath, and looking up at him, finding a smug look on his face in return.

He won. Fuck.

"I will say, you put up one hell of a fight." He panted softly, releasing you. "But you still can't beat me, which means you probably won't be able to beat the people coming after you. Not without your quirk, at least."

"Whatever." You frowned. Still disappointed that you lost. That you didn't do good enough. You knew you were capable of so much more, and you were frustrated.

Not to mention how helpful it would be if you knew what your goddamn quirk was.

Bakugou smiled at that. He saw that sore loser attitude in you, and it reminded him of himself. In fact, he's starting to notice that you and him have a lot in common, and he's unsure if should be afraid or intrigued.

"Don't be such a baby. Yeah, you lost, and it sucks. But you'll get over it and then you'll get better when I start teaching you."

Your frown softened at that. This was his way of comforting you, you realized. Even if it was annoying.

You laughed. "You're going to be an awful teacher."

Your lessons started a few days later. The two of you practiced a few times a week. Sparring, you practice punches self-defense, and more. It was helpful, but sometimes he would piss you off.

"Move your hand like this." He remarked, showing the movement. "I know. I know how to punch, Bakugou. I'm not new to this."

He acted like you didn't know what you were doing sometimes, and it was so infuriating. "I know that, but that doesn't mean you can't improve."

You frowned to yourself, and punched the bag extra hard with a frustrated huff. "I know!"'

"Better." He complimented, only pissing you off more. Taking lessons from Bakugou was awful, many because of your pride and how irritating he was, but you knew it would help you in the long run. It just sucked at the moment.

"You did good." He told you as you drank some water after the session. You rolled your eyes at him. "I know."

He grinned. "Well, I'm glad you know. Now get some rest, especially since you're going to work tomorrow."

"Wait, What?"

(A/N: Oop...

Kind of a boring chapter, but things will get more interesting! I promise!!

Thanks for reading!

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