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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 between you and Bakugou have been, in a word, tense. Despite living together, you do what you can to stay out of each other's way and interact as little as possible.

You don't like him that much, and he doesn't seem very fond of you either.  When he does talk to you, he's correcting you on keeping after the area you two share, and cleaning up after yourself. It would seem like a reasonable request if he weren't such a stickler about it.

You've been texting and calling your brother,  but you have to keep your contact limited. Nothing longer than thirty-minute conversations on the phone, and only 45 texts are allowed each day. You don't text a lot, anyways, but it's not very easy to text with the feeling of all your conversations being monitored hanging over you.

It's only taken two weeks for you to get sick of this place. You're bored out and of your mind. The only thing you do around here is work out, eat, swim in the pool, and watch tv. While that might sound like some good options, it gets tiring after a while, and it's much more boring to do all those things alone.

"Groceries are here," Bakugou called from the kitchen, you groaned to yourself, pausing the movie you were watching, and slipping out of bed.

Half of the groceries were your responsibility since they were the ones you ordered. So, you had to help put them in the refrigerator. There was a plus to this, though. You could finally have some of your comfort foods, favorite snacks, and some wine too.

You burrowed through the bags with an excited grin on your face, but to your disappointment, nothing you wanted was there. Frowning to yourself, you glanced over your shoulder at Bakugou. He had to have something to do with this. He put in the orders, after all.

"Where's my stuff?" You asked. He wasn't listening, his head deep in one of the cabinets as he stacked some cans. "Oi!"'

"Huh?" He murmured, finally pulling his head out from the cabinet and looking over at you. Your nostrils flared in frustration.

"Some of the stuff I ordered isn't here. Did the commission not approve or something? Because that's bull-"

"No, I just didn't put the order in." He replied with a shrug.

You stared at him for a moment, processing what he just said, and how nonchalantly he said it. He's so fucking rude and cocky sometimes. He's lucky he's a prohero, that's for sure. Otherwise, you'd probably would've beaten his ass by now.

But instead, you grit your teeth, holding back. "Why?"

"Because you ordered a shit ton of junk food which is horrible for you and wine...you seriously think now is a good time to be drinking?" And just like that, you couldn't hold back anymore. You went off on him.

"Yes, actually. I think now's a great time to be drinking. Do you really think it would do us any good to be on high alert 24/7? From what you told me, we're going to be waiting around for a while, and I don't want to spend it torturing myself with anxiety. I would like to be comforted. Not just with tv shows, or working out, or swimming but with food too. And yes, a drink would sound amazing.  Wanna know why? I just got my life turned upside down, I'm being hunted by some crazy ass terrorist group,  I hardly have any privacy anymore, and I'm stuck living with a controlling cocky asshole prohero for a roommate! So forgive me for wanting to loosen up a little and forget about this stupid fucking mess!"

And that was way too much. Before Bakugou could even reply, you stormed off to your room, slamming the door shut and locking it. Thankfully, didn't follow after you, even though you thought he would be pissed.

But you didn't care at the moment. You went through your drawers, grabbing some workout clothes. You needed to blow off some steam.

After spending a solid twenty minutes running on the treadmill, you got off. You downed some water, your legs shaky with adrenaline from how fast you were moving before.

Right before you could hop onto another machine, Bakugou came in, joining you. You were going to do another twenty minutes on the bike, but now that he was here, you would rather be anywhere else.

So, you walked out, ignoring his presence. You'll just do some laps in the pool instead.


"So, how have things been going?" Kirishima asked Bakugou over the phone. He had been notified of the mission details a few hours after he met you and Bakugou at the hospital. The blonde stood out on the deck of his room, gazing at the sunset in front of him. "Horrible."

"Oh come on, it's only been two weeks. It can't be that bad." Kirishima remarked.

"It is. It's dull and way too quiet, and I can't stand sitting around like this. I should be out there getting these bastards myself. Not sitting around and waiting." He ranted.

"Well, like it or not, _____ needs you. You should focus on supporting and protecting her." Kirishima replied.

"Trust me, she doesn't need my help, she's independent enough. Not to mention, she fucking hates me." Bakugou couldn't help but feel some dread in his gut at the thought.

You never seemed to care for him that much, but after the past couple of arguments you had, you really don't seem to like him. But why should he care? Bakugou's never cared what anyone thinks about him, so why does he care now?

"Well, did you do something to make you hate her?"

"No, I didn't do shit!"

"Bakugou..." Kirishima said with a knowing tone. Bakugou sighed. "Okay, maybe I've been a little short with her, and maybe I didn't let her get the groceries she wanted. But I'm just trying to help her, she got all that junk food and shit, and wine, and it's horrible for her! And she got really mad, saying it was her comfort and all that, and she's pissed at me."

"You know, from what I can tell, you both have...strong personalities, and you're both extremely stubborn. The two of you are going to keep bumping heads, until you both go wild and kill each other, or one of you finally relents and apologizes. In this case, it should definitely be you." Kirishima replied.

And Bakugou knew he was right, but he still couldn't help but ask. "Why?"

"______'s having a horrible time right now. You know that, but you're pushing her with your typical cocky broody-asshole attitude. Just, try to go easy on her. Okay?"

He let out a long, sigh. "Okay, fine."

"Alright, I gotta go now. Mina's coming over and we're going to play charades with the kid. See you later."

As the line goes dead. Bakugou stares at the sun, unable to shake the thought of you on his mind.

We have to get along for both our sanity. I don't care about her. She's just a mission...Right?


A/N: Bakugou try not to be an asshole challenge: impossible

Lol but I'm all seriousness he's such a man baby I love him

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