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Lis had us walking for hours without telling us anything about where we were going or even what was written on the papers."Do you even know where we are going or even what was written on the paper huh? ", Tyler 1 asked as he grows impatiently." Excuse me ,do you doubt my work?",Lis also asked angrily.A sense of tension aroused between them which I had to step in to ease it. It was during the process which I spotted some of commander Gibbs soldiers around spying us." We've to get going now", I said . "Really? Where exactly are we suppose to go huh? Your other duplicate friend here doesn't seems to know what she's doing ", Tyler 1said." Excuse me I know what am doing okay. I just wanted to look around for a bit okay. And also this old text writings means that 'EVERYWHERE HE IS AND SEES EVERYTHING BUT STAYS AT ONE PLACE ' ",Lis  said yelling. We all stood there trying to make sense out of the worlds but couldn't come up with one meanwhile commander Gibbs soldiers were still tying to close up on us." Come on this way", Tyler 1 said as we runned and hide in a church nearby." I think we've probably lost them for now",I said after coming out from our hideout and making sure the cost is clear. "Who could possibly write such a thing and expect someone to understand? ",Lis asked." Wait a second. EVERYWHERE THAT HE IS AND SEES EVERYTHING BUT STAYS AT ONE PLACE '.Who else can do such a thing huh? Guess guys",I said." No one else . There's only one person but technically not a person and HE's the only one who can",Lis said." I know , it's God. ",Tyler 1 said." Exactly God. That's what it means ",I said." But it still doesn't make sense anyway Ty. What are you trying to say here? ",Lis asked." Listen to me . The answer is God and God is   worshipped in a church so all that we've to do is find out about the church that professor Calihole attends.",I said." Oh great another search work again. Where on earth are we going to find that  church among thousands of them in the world huh? ",Tyler 1 asked." We already have",Lis said which surprised us. She then showed us a picture she got on the with professor Calihole standing right infront of the church we hid  in which we are standing right of it. "OMG", Tyler 1 muttered. "Come on let's go we're close to finding the AaRYD chip device. Oh and Ty send Lisa our location", I said. "Right on it", he replied. We then entered the church which probably seems closed but there were some of the priest around. "How are we going to find the thing in this big Church?", Lis asked. "Let's spilt up then. Lis you and Tyler 1 search down here and I'll go and search upstairs", I suggested. "Good idea", she said as we split up.
There was blood all over Dr Edward's shirt as he continues to receive the blows form the guard. The guard immediately stopped as the LORD entered the room and waved at him to get out.He them took a dagger form his back and moved towards Dr Edward as he sat down tied to the chair with blood all over him. "You lied to me Eddie. If not I won't have hurt you like this. So you know you're going to tell me the truth about the AaRYD chip device as you told me about the ring and how it got to you or else .... You can watch her die",, the LORD said as another door opened and Lisa was brought out from it tied up." Lisa ... Lisa.... Lisa..oh my little angel. Please don't hurt her I'll do anything, say anything you want me to but please don't hurt her.",Dr Edward said whipping like a baby." No dad don't. I can stand their torture. Am not going to say anything to you son of a bitch. ",Lisa said as she spit on the LORD.." Tough girl. Just like your mother. But don't worry, I won't be talking to you.",the LORD said as he moved closer to Dr Edward and stab him on the shoulder which made Dr Edward screamed like a child." This just began",the LORD said as he pulled the dagger out.


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