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"Come on Tyler we're going to miss the return of the secret force who went to the original world." Lisa said as she shook Tyler on the bed. "What? They're coming today? Come on let's go", young Tyler said as he rubbed his eyes and got off from the bed. Both of them runned through the narrow street taking the shortcut and got to the dimensional portal where the place was full of a lot of duplicates who had also come to welcome the soldiers who went on the secret mission and their love ones.
Lisa and young Tyler made their way through the gathered crowd to the front row where they could see clearly. "I bet you for an ice cream that my dad is the one who's going to come out from the portal first", young Tyler said to Lisa. "Oh really?", Lisa said chuckling. "Let's see about that", she added. The dimensional portal opened and all the soldiers began to come out from it one after the other. The gathered crowd began cheering them and some of them began running towards their love ones. Lisa and young Tyler both waited for their father's who hasn't come out from the dimensional portal yet. Both of them stood there sadly until Lisa spotted her father coming. "There's my Dad", Lisa shouted as she runned to hug the bald old thick -tall man. "I won, I won, I won", Lisa said to young Tyler as she jumped up and down happily. "Where's my father uncle Pappa?", young Tyler asked. He didn't get any replied and asked again this time with tears in his eyes. Uncle Pappa stood there for a while and brought out a watch from his pocket which young Tyler recognized it belongs to his father. Uncle Pappa then handed the watch to young Tyler and said "Sorry Tyler , your father couldn't make it". Young Tyler started crying uncontrollably which Lisa and uncle Pappa console him.

  (Present day)
All those gathered at the museum were all amazed as a young girl could read an old text writing without any difficulty. "She's amazing",one of those gathered around said. "She's like a goddess", another one also said. "Here you go", a blonde hair girl in glasses said as she handed a paper to one of those around and went away. She walked through the narrow street and stopped to purchase something and went on. She   entered. "Hey", a person behind the door said as she entered. "Jesus Christ! What are you doing here and how did you get here?", she asked. "Is that how you welcome a prodigal son home huh?", I said as I stepped out from behind the door. "Four years Tyler, four fucking good years since you left home. No calls , no sms, no birthday cards, not even a messenger ", the blonde hair girl in glasses said." And now you're being wanted", she added. "I need your help Lisa", I said as I sat down. She stood there for a while and took a seat opposite me. She took in a deep breath and spoke "What did you get your self into this time?", she asked. "It's a long story",I replied. "Cut it short", Lisa said. I then narrated everything to her which she listened without asking any questions. "Let's go on an adventure then",she said as she stood up as soon as I finished talking. I was surprised at her sudden understand which I was happy anyway. "Shall we go then", she said. "There's something I've got to do first", I said .
"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler! Are you there", Lisa said as she called out Tyler 1 name. The house was as quite as a cemetery. She checked everywhere but couldn't find him. She went to the living room which was dark cause the lights were switched off. "Where could he be?", she asked herself. "Over here", a voice in the dark said as the light turned on. She then saw Tyler 1 seated in a chair with three of commander Gibbs soldiers standing behind him.


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