chapter 2

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I wake up at 5 am and head to a nearby gym. I have a hectic one hour session at the gym. I drive back home and when I get there, aunty Pontso who cleans our house is already there.

Me: good morning, aunty.
AP: good morning, my daughter. how are you?
Me: I'm breathing, aunty.
AP: are you ever just okay?
Me: in this evil world that we live, aunty? how can one be okay?

She laughs and I run upstairs, giggling. I get in my bathroom and take a quick shower. It's really cold today so I wear layers of clothing and on top, a baby blue winter set and it just brings out my beautiful eyes.

I pair this with some winter novelty slippers. I then take some cute pictures and cute little videos and post them on my private socials. Scott comments...

"The true meaning of fumbling.", with a crying emoji.

He then calls me but I decline the call. I'm not in the mood, like really not in the mood to deal with Scott Swanepoel today.

Ntonto bursts into my room, fake crying, looking absolutely gorgeous in Gucci from head to toe! Her tracksuit is gorgeous as well.

Ntonto: your dad is bringing friends over.
Me: your worst nightmare?
Ntonto: come true.
Me: you're a "Real Housewife of Johannesburg", though. he can't do you like that.
Ntonto: oh yes, he just did.

I'm case you don't get it, Ntonto doesn't like cooking, she doesn't like having people around either. So those are her two worst nightmares taking place today, in this house.

Me: I'll order some meat and make the soft porridge.
Ntonto: I'll make the salads.
Me: let's get on it then.

We head to the kitchen and she starts making the salads. I grab my car keys and head to a butchery where they also roast meat, I order some meat. A lot of meat. They roast the meat and after about an hour or so, it's done so I get my order, pay and drive back home.

I get home and there's no rest at all because I have to make the soft porridge. After we make the food, the "men" walk in, laughing hysterically about something.

After a while of them hanging around together, minding their own, my dad tells Ntonto that he's hungry so we dish up for them. Before serving them, I take a big bowl with water and soap for them to wash their hands. I also take a dish cloth for them to dry their hands.

I head to the living room and they all wash their hands and wipe them. Before, exiting the room, another man walks in.

Dad: hau, Mntungwa.

He says, referring to the man that just walked in. "Mntungwa" is a part of the Khumalo clan names.

I turn and head to one of the living room sliding doors, where he is standing. He washes his hands and wipes.

Him: thank you very much.

He say in Zulu, oh my word! Everything about this man is absolutely gorgeous. He smells good, he has this manly and I mean MANLY MANLY presence that demands respect. He has a sphandla, which is an animal skin bracelet that people put around their wrist after slaughtering animals.

I don't believe in all of this stuff, neither do I think it's cute. He smells really good though, he smells like a man.

I get to the kitchen, place the bowl down and I finally exhale. Yes, I had it all held in all along. Ntonto laughs at me.

Ntonto: and now?
Me: nothing.
Ntonto: if you say so.

We take the plates and head to the living room to serve the men. There are like 6 of them. My uncles friends, the uncle that told us about my mom. My uncle is also here and one friend of my dad's. My dad doesn't really have friends like that so...

After serving them, we head to the cinema room and watch 'The Hate U Give', I love this movie with my entire soul!

At the end of the movie, I need to pee so I head to the bathroom and do my business. As I exit, my room, I bump into him. The gorgeous Zulu man that was downstairs and now he is here, in front of me, so close, I can barely breath.

Him: hey.

He says in his deep voice.

Me: hey.
Him: do you mind directing me to a bathroom?
Me: sure, you can use mine for now but there is one downstairs, right behind the stairs.
Him: okay, thanks.

He heads to my bathroom and I head back to the cinema. As soon as I take my seat, my phone rings and yes, you guessed it. It's Scott.

Me: what do you want, Scott?
Scott: I'm outside, please come and see me.
Me: outside my father's house?
Scott: yes.
Me: not only are you a cheater but you also have no respect for my father.
Scott: come on, please. we need to talk.
Me: I am done talking to you.
Scott: then you can just listen then.
Me: Scott!
Scott: Imani, please.
Me: fine.

I tell Ntonto about where I am going and head out. I also go to the living room to inform my dad that I am going out a bit.

Me: daddy.
Dad: yes.
Me: I am going out for a few, I'll be right back.
Dad: where are you going?
Me: I am just going to take a walk.
Dad: to where? we have visitors, baby.
Me: but they are your visitors, daddy. that is of course, with all due respect.

This whole conversation is taking place in front of his "boys" and it's quite embarrassing. The guy looks at me and looks down, with the no teeth smile.

Dad: okay, be safe.
Me: bye.

I turn around and head outside where Scott's car is parked, around the corner. I get in and he looks at me.

Scott: hey.
Me: hey.
Scott: I see you looking healthy and all...
Me: you said that you wanted to talk so get to the point.
Scott: right.

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