Arrange Marriage?

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Vivian's POV

It's been a week and at this point everybody knows about huge marriage except for Skyla that is. I confronted Marcus about it and he said he admitted to wanting to tell her on the last week of the month.

Honestly, I feel bad for Skyla everyone knows thing she doesn't and most of it is about her she has right to know.
I was currently in my house watching TV and I was flat out bored until Jessica came into the room excited. I can kinda see why she's so excited her daughter is getting married in a month.

"I think we should do a gold, white, and black theme for the wedding! It would look amazing wouldn't it?" I haven't seen her this happy since Marcus went on a two month long business trip to Tokyo. She was hella happy about that too.

I took in what a gold, black, and white wedding would look like. And of course I made it look fabulous. "Ok fine ill ask Alex about it later." I told her and she has a mix of hope and happiness in her eyes. I guess she really like that color.

After hours of conversation with Jessica I get a text from Alex telling me to come to his house quickly. I knew it was something serious so I rushed to my car.

When I got there I saw and unfamiliar car in the driveway. I knocked on the door and then I saw Luciana open the door.

We went to to the living room and I saw Alex with two unfamiliar faces. I then realized it was René and her father.

As I was sitting down I hear another car pulled up and I had a feeling it was Skyla and her dad. Knocking on the door and them coming in was Skyla and her dad. I sigh knowing that this was not going to end well.

If I had known better I would think that Marcus and René's father were trying to work together or start a war between each other. Skyla sat down besides Alex and you could see how mad René was.

Luciana sits down and we all were in silence for a couple minutes which felt like hours. "So I think we all know that I was the one who attacked you that night and I know what I did was wrong and I am very sorry about it." I could her it in her voice she was trying to sound innocent I'm honestly surprised Marcus or Luciana haven't killed here yet even Skyla.

I looked at her with absolute disgust. I knew she was a tacky fake bitch but damn how bad can she get. She was only 'apologizing' because Alex was there. She was so desperate I can't wait till she finds out about the wedding. But that means Skyla will find out too and that's to early.

I shifted nervous in my seat hoping not much gets found out. I look to my left and
See Luciana just as nervous. This could turn to to the worse or just bad. I knew it wasn't gonna turn out good.

René had an innocent look on her face. Total bull shit! I was not buying it, nor was I buying that whole speech she had.

I wanted to pain Alex for letting them in here and then having me stay with them. Moments of silence has passed and someone finally replied. "Ok, we'll forgive you." I here Skyla say we all looked at her as if she was crazy.

I was about to say something but I was interrupted by Skyla. "Only if tell us who made you do and if you give us half of everything you got."

Ok I knew René maybe would have told us but there is no way René would give us held of everything she has! René is a big sociopath and she would never give up her power to anyone. René looked like she was about to reject the offer but. "Don't you think that would be a good idea right, Alex?" Until Alex agreed with a nod.

René looked at both of them and replied. "Ok I'll give it to you, and the man I worked with name was Kenny Maze. I'm sure you know him?"

We were all surprised but Skyla didn't. She rolled her eyes and looked the other way. "So I heard that you and Alex were getting married?"

Oh shit! I felt like there was a knot in my throat. I sighed knowing thing were gonna trim to the worst.

Everyone was speechless. And Skyla couldn't utter a word. "Where did you hear that from?" Alex said with a polite smile of his face. I guess he was trying to not seem suspicious about it.

"Well I heard it from Marcus, Skylas father. He told me it was going to happen in a month I think?" René had a smug look on her face. I know she planned this whole thing. I think René knew exactly what she was doing.

Skyla looked confused I saw her shift in her seat nervously. It seemed Skyla didn't know what to do in this situation. She barely knows What's going on.

After some science I finally hear someone speak up.

"Well congratulations!" René looked amused by it. It's almost like she was getting off about the news.

Hearing what Skyla had to say was even more surprising. "Thank you so much René. And by the way you are forgiven. We hope something like this won't happen again, right?" Skyla didn't seem fazed anymore she almost looked happy.

"Of course nothing like this will ever happen again. Right dad?" We all looked to her side forgetting that the man was there. He cleared his throat and nodded while saying congratulations to Skyla and Alex.

I guess you could say that today was full of surprises. Kenny was the mastermind behind the attack, Skyla knows about the marriage earlier, and René will give half of her business to us.

Wow. I did not expect none of that. I thought everything was gonna turn out for the worst. Guess I was wrong, well I hope I was wrong.

I am definitely going to tell Jessica about everything. But I don't know if she will be too happy about this though.

I walked to Skylas room and knocked. She must want some alone time especially from finding out she's about to get married in a little while.

I knocked again hearing nothing the first time and once again I heard nothing. So I went to the second best place she could be and that is the gym. So I walked down the hall and I immediately see her punching a punching bag. She might break it in the matter of seconds.

She looked my way and immediately walked towards me. "So did you know about this whole arrangement too?" She asked me obviously upset. But she didn't want to show it.

"Yeah. I am so sorry that I didn't tell you too. I would have but we just really wanted to keep it a secret. Are you mad by any chance?" I asked her in the most Sincere way possible. I genuinely felt bad for her I just hope she can see that.

"No I'm not mad I'm just a bit disappointed that you didn't tell me that I was getting married. But mostly I'm not mad at all." It was as if she said in a way to insure me she wasn't mad.

I nodded happy about the news. I then asked if she spoke to Alex about it and she said yes. She also said that they are still in good terms and would be planning it together.

I of course was happy for them and happy that she wasn't mad at me. I knew she was in the gym because she loves to work out when she's stressed out.

Skyla always loved working out ever since her teenage years. I cannot wait to tell Jessica about all of this.

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