Surprise Ending

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Skyla's POV

It has been about 2 weeks since the whole 'Alex is dangerous' conversation with dad. I was still thinking about it and what dad meant about Alex being dangerous. It was in the afternoon and I was still thinking about it.

I kept thinking and thinking until my brain started to hurt. But something got me thinking. Where the fuck did he come from? When I realize it dad never ever mentioned him or Luciana to me before nor has mom. It's like he just appeared out of nowhere.

Since I was so curious I decided to talk to Alex and where he came from, hopefully that goes well. "Hello Alex." I said in a welcoming manner.

I see him smile and say "hello Skyla." I swear he had the finest smile I have ever seen. I looked him up and down to find him wearing a black letter graphic jacket, and black jogger pants, and black and white dunks.

 I looked him up and down to find him wearing a black letter graphic jacket, and black jogger pants, and black and white dunks

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(What's he's wearing but with black and white dunks instead)

I sat down and befor I could say anything he spoke first.
Alex's POV

I see Skyla come into the sitting room, said hello, and sat down next to me. I wanted to make conversation with her so I asked. "So what was your mom like?" She looked at me surprised by my sudden question.

She took a few seconds to process what I said so I let her take her time to answer back. I get how she's feeling right now if I being honest. My mom disappeared when I was 11 and was later found dead on the first day of my 12th birthday. I just hope her mom isn't dead or in the process of dying. I know how heartbroken I was when my mom died and I wish the same thing doesn't happen to Skyla.

I see her finally open her mouth and with a kind of weak voice she muttered,"Honestly, I don't even know what to say." Hearing that weak voice broke me inside. I have never heard her in such a poor tone. We literally just started talking.

"My dad always tried to keep me away from my mom but she always found a way to get back to me so me and my mom were really close. I never understood why dad was always so jealous about it until I turned 15."

She finally calmed down and her voice went back to normal again. I loved hearing her voice it was so smooth yet raspy. Hearing her voice was the best sound in the world. She opens her mouth and says "my dad wasn't the best dad, well actually he was a horrible one but we'll get into that later."

She kept on ranting about her mom and I paid attention to every last word. If I'm being honest this is the most I have ever heard her talk. We kept talking for hours and the mom and dad subject was gone by then. While we're still talking I see in the corner of my eye, Marcus. As he was walking by he stared at my and Skyla longer than he usually would.

It honestly felt like he was glaring at me. I didn't really think much of it so when I look back to Skyla she had a look of loathe on her face. Skyla normally wasn't the type to be scared. At that point we were both quite. She looked back at me a continued talking so I listened.

"What you doing?" I turn my head and see Luciana standing behind us. "What you want?" I hope she knows that I am very annoyed by her. "I just wanted to know what y'all were talking about."

"Nothing." I really hope she goes away after that but Skyla offered her to sit down and talk with us. But before she could Vivian came into the room saying
"I have bad news and bad news kids which one you wanna hear first."
We all looked at her and confused and said good news.

"Ok the bad news is the woman that attacked us is trying to hack into our system. But the good news is we found out who she was and now we're trying to figure out who she works for."

As Luciana was about to say something Vivian interrupted her and said. "Her name is René but we couldn't get her last name."

As soon as she said René I knew exactly who she was talking about. I turned to Luciana who didn't seem surprised. I knew she already known who it was but I don't know how she knew the woman was completely covered.

I absolutely hated René. I really didn't think I would ever see her again. But it really makes sense she's insane and she probably tried hunting me down.

I looked over to Skyla and she seem surprised. Could she have known René too. I mean I don't think so. We're in a whole different country they couldn't have known each other.

As much as I was doubting the possibilities I heard Skyla say. "There's no way that was René." After hearing that me and Luciana shot our heads to her and said what at the same time. I could not believe it she really knew René.

"You knew René!" I hear my sister shout in shock. Skyla replied with a nod and I was taken aback from the nod. I asked her how she new René and she said they played together as kids. Which really confused me because Skyla was trapped here as a kid.

Seeing that I was confused she then explained that René would come over and play with Skyla when they were kids because René's dad worked with Skyla's dad.

Honestly it was weird this none of us knew her last a name not even Marcus and he worked with her dad. "How did you two know René?" Skyla asked curiously. "She was my ex-fiancé and Luciana's best friend." When I said that Skyla looked like she didn't want to believe it but that expression quickly disappeared.

After the whole conversation about it me and Luciana went home and had a big discussion.

"I think that René is trying to come after You." When hearing those words I knew they weren't true because it wasn't me she was after it was Skyla. And I told Luciana just that.

She then looked at me confused and I said. "Because me and Skyla are to marry in the next month and I don't think René is very happy about that."

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