The Meet

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Skyla's POV

"Dad have you seen mom anywhere?" I my abusive father who keeps me locked up In our house because it's 'to dangerous outside'. As he says.
But then again I am a mafia princess so I guess it would only be natural if I did people were always after me when I was growing up.

He looked at me with a expression on his face that looked like he didn't care. He waited a minute and finally said."no." with an emotionless expression.
"Well she hasn't picked up any of my calls or replied to any of my text messages so can you call her?" I said with a 'are you dumb' face.

He then started to look angry and irritated. I become a little anxious stepping back and keeping a good distance from him because usually he would start to yell and cuss me and mom out. I really didn't want that to happen.

"Didn't I just say no!" He raised his voice at me as well as his hand.

I flinched thinking he was gonna hit but before he could there was a knock on the door. I went to open it after my dad told me to I opened it and it was one of my mom's friends her name was Jessica, her and my mom worked at the same place which was a company for clothing.

She walked in the door in panic which made me start to worry that something bad happened with mom.

My father was in the other room beside us and when he came out he tried to make look like nothing happened "Jessica what brings you here today I thought you were with Vivian?" my father asked with that fake nice people voice him and mom uses.

Jessica looked at him with a cold glare obviously not buying the nice guy voice.
She stood up fixing her dress and then said. "No I was not with Vivian...Marcus." The way she said my fathers name was menacing. She than looked him up and down with hate in her eyes.

Jessica never liked my dad she was one of those friends that didn't like their friends husbands and because she knew he was abusive.

I looked at them glaring at each other and then I finally brok the awkward silence by clearing my throat. "So aunt Vivian what happened?" I asked. I called her aunt Vivian because she took care of me and still does like an aunt would with their niece.

She looked at me and said with a very very sad tone. "I have not seen your mother in so long and she has not replied to none of my calls or text."

I looked at her shocked. "Mine either!"

After about 3 days of not hearing from my mom at all everyone started to panic.

We tried everything but it all failed. As I was walking down the street with my dad who FINALLY let me out of the house for little bit we walked by aunt Vivian and she was talking to this guy who may i say was VERY handsome.

As dad and I walked up to her and this guy I've never seen before I got a better look at him and he had on a blue graphic hoodie, black graphic sweat pants, a white shirt, and had on blue and black air Jordans. He had messy jet black hair with grey or silver eyes and a sharp jaw line with white but kinda tan skin and silver earnings.

He looked me up and down without saying anything until aunt Vivian introduced him to us. "Hey guys this is Alexandro, Alex for short and he will be helping us with finding Jessica."

He than opened his mouth and said "hello how are you?" his voice was so deep and had a bit of Italian in it. He was so handsome.
Alex's POV

I was talking with Vivian, my Co-partner in my mafia gang. We discussed about her niece and her mom going missing and we were supposed to help find her.

While we were talking this girl and a man who I think was her father Came up to us and I looked her up and seeing that she was wearing a crimson red crop top, black cargo pants, a zip up black jacket, and black and red Jordan 4(s). I saw her face and she had curly long black hair, perfect shaped eyebrows and lashes, brown eyes, dimeiend studs and light brown skin. If I'm being honest she was buetiful.

"Hey guys this is Alexandro, Alex for short and he will be helping us with finding Jessica." I turned my head to Vivian hearing her daughter my name I look back at the two and say."hello how are you?"

The man who I think was Marcus Ramanos held out his hand for me to shake and I hit up and took it and for some reason it felt like he was trying to crush my hand?
He also looked at me as if I was an enemy to him.

I let his hand go and them held it out that girl who was must be skyla. She smiled and happily took my hand.

"Hello aunt Vivian and Alexandro." After shaking her hand I told she could just call me Alex.

"Ok". She said as her high but low voice became more high-pich as she started to laugh.

I glance at Marcus and he was glaring at me. I guess he is an overprotective dad.

We all sit down and them start to disscus about how to find Jessica and who kidnapped her. Throughout the whole conversation Marcus kept glaring at me whilst skyla kept glancing at me and one time we even mad eye contact but it was quick.

Eventually it was time to leave and go home as me and Vivian were saying goodbye to Skyla and Marcus they quickly left and me a d Vivian countined walking home together since we live close together it was silent till she said something about me and Skyla.

"So you like her don't you?"

I was completely shocked and turned my head to her so fast. I mean she was cute but I don't think I like her or anything.
Vivian's POV

"So you like her don't you?" I said looking straight at him. He turned his head so quick and his eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his sockets.

I almost laughed at how funny it was.
He asked me what do I mean. And I said. "Bro either she likes you or you like her but somebody like somebody." putting my hands up defensively. After that he didn't say anything else the whole walk home.

I made it home and went straight to the shower then did my night routine and after that I went to bed ready for the next day like everyone else.

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