Chapter 10

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Eliza's 's POV

The day has come, I'm flying to Dublin to see Niall! My family were a little upset I was leaving Arkansas early but they saw how excited I was to go see him.

This morning I woke up to a sweet text from him stating how excited he was and how thankful he is that I'm making this journey to come see him.

Niall did not tell me he bought me a first class ticket. I would have been just as happy in economy. This is our first like trip we are ever taking together and the butterflies won't stop fluttering every time I think of him.

I've decided to go back to London after this and get back to work. I'm starting to miss going to work, the routine I had, and of course London.

I board the plane and take my anxiety meds and quickly drift off to sleep. I don't know if it was the Xanax or what but I slept so good on that flight. I woke up and shortly after that we landed. The butterflies are going crazy in my stomach.

As soon as I turn my phone off of airplane mode my phone dings. I have a couple texts message from my mom and I have one from Niall.

Hey Lizzy, I hope your flight is going well. Sadly I'm not going to be able to pick you up from the airport but I have my security coming to get you. They will drop you off at the venue and will take everything to your hotel room. Can't wait to see you!! :)

Despite the initial wave of nerves and uncertainty, I take a deep breath and remind myself to stay positive. This trip is a chance for us to connect on a deeper level and create lasting memories together.

I reply to Niall's message, expressing my understanding and assuring him that I appreciate the efforts he's made to make my arrival as smooth as possible. I let him know that I can't wait to see him too and that I'm excited for the festivities.

As the plane lands and I step off, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. I follow the instructions from Niall's security team and soon find myself at the venue for sound check. It's a surreal experience to see Niall up on stage, pouring his heart and soul into his music. I watch with awe as he performs, feeling an even deeper connection to him in that moment.

He takes a break when he finally spots me. He gets off stage and runs towards me lifting and spinning. "I'm so happy you're here!" He says smiling. He puts me down and gives me a quick kiss.

"I am very excited to be here. And even more excited to be in the presence of THE NIALL HORAN. I've been trying to play it cool but can I get an autograph?" I say laughing and giving him another peck on the lips.

He laughs. "Ooh you're so cheeky. God I've missed you." He smiles and my cheeks heat up again.

"I'm almost done here if you want to wait, I have maybe another like 30 minutes if you want to watch. Then we can go back to the hotel." He says and I nod. I go find a chair and sit down, getting ready to watch him do his thing.

His energy was different than when I walked in earlier. I think he's nervous, it's so cute. He's kind of goofing off with his band as he sings. He finished soundcheck and we leave and head to the hotel.

We have separate hotel rooms but they are next door to each other. Which is nice that I will still have my own space. We decided to take about an hour to shower and freshen up then we are going to grab some food.

He's so excited to show me around. It's so cute. I shower and take my time getting dressed. I decided to dress pretty casual I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard. I swear we are on the same wavelength. When I close my door and go to knock on his door he opens it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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