Chapter 5

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1 week later

I wake up to the sound of my alarm and jolt awake. I get up to start doing my daily routine and finally get a chance to look at my phone. I'm surprised when I see a ton of text message notifications. It dawns on my that today is my birthday. It's Halloween. I let out a sigh and continue with my routine, getting my gym bag ready.

I have never cared about my birthday. My parents never made it a big deal because they had a ton of kids and it's also on a holiday. So, as an adult, I usually avoid celebration for myself because it's a waste of time and I have no friends here in London to do anything with.

Maybe Niall would celebrate my birthday with me if he were here. A couple of days after our date he flew to Los Angeles for a little bit to do some business. We have been talking quite a bit though. We will FaceTime when he's up late writing music and I have some free time between patients or if I have a day off. He always seems to be lingering around in the back of my head theses days.

Maybe I'm just lonely. I just feel so comfortable around him. He just has a great energy about him, he doesn't make you feel less than because he's got fame. He's just so humble and I really like that about him.

I am now at the gym running on the treadmill when suddenly my phone dings again and I slow down to a walking pace and unlock my phone. "Speaking of the devil." I say when I see who texted me.

Niall Horan
Happy birthday spooky girl! I know your probably going to ditch the festivities and work all day but just have a pint for me! Enjoy your day!

I smile as I read the message over and over. I am trying to think of a good reply and not seem that I've been waiting around my phone all morning waiting for him to text me. I decide to just go ahead and finish my workout and shower. I get dressed and do my makeup. I'm rotating in pediatrics today so I thought I would dress up a little bit for the kids, to be a little fun. I have black scrubs on and black cat ears with whiskers and a little black nose.

I take a picture of myself. I look at it and laugh. It's for the children i reassure myself. I decided it was cute enough to send to Niall.

Eliza: Thank you for the birthday wish! I hope Los Angeles is going well for you. I have a rotation in pediatrics today. Do you think I fit the part?

I lock my phone and immediately I my phone dings with a text

Niall Horan: You are the cutest kitty cat. The kids will love it. I hope you aren't doing a 48-hour shift today and enjoy your birthday. I know how you feel about it but maybe something exciting will happen. LA is going good. I should be coming home this weekend for a few days then heading back off to do some promo.

I apply the finishing touches to my face and check my watch. I'm running a few minutes late. I pack everything, rush out of the door, and head the hospital. I grab Meredith and I our coffee orders from the coffee cart at the hospital entrance. "Good morning Meredith! You look chipper as always!" I say handing her her coffee. She is dressed as a bumble bee today. She is literally the cutest old lady ever. I think she's my only friend in this hospital if I'm being honest.

"Ms. Eliza I think I should be buying you a coffee today since it's your birthday!" She says in her thick Scottish accent. "I hope you have a wonderful day lassie. You work to hard. Take some time for yourself." She says smiling.

"Maybe one day I'll get there." I say laughing and walking to the elevator. I finally have a chance to text Niall back.

Eliza: I'm only working a 12-hour shift today so I'll be off at 6 ish if all goes well! That sucks that I'll miss you when you are in town. I leave for Africa on Sunday night. :( Maybe next time we can meet up.

Eliza Bennett M.D.Where stories live. Discover now