Chapter 7

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A/N: 2024 already. This year came fast! Thank you everyone for the votes, comments, and adding this story to your reading lists. I really appreciate it! I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!


The sun shone its rays on the titan and human resting peacefully in the cave. It coaxed them both to awaken for a brand new day. Cordelia slowly opened her eyes and sat up. She stretched her limbs and saw that Godzilla still had his eyes shut. She stood up and quietly walked toward his face. She gently moved her hand across his muzzle, his skin scaly but soft.

The red brown eyes of the titan opened, and his eyes moved to look at her. He huffed out air, causing the human to almost fall over from the practical gust of wind. Cordelia giggled.

"Good morning," she spoke happily.

Godzilla grunted in response. He was happy to see her, but he was having a wonderful dream and didn't want to wake up from it yet.

"Ah. You can go back to your dream later, I'm sure," she said telepathically.

"I suppose..." he responded telepathically.

Cordelia yawned and walked out of the cave, allowing Godzilla to slowly move his limbs around and join her outside. Cordelia gazed up at the sky with a smile, using her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. It was a gorgeous day. Perfect usual temperature, plants greeting the day by opening their leaves and the petals of flowers joining them. Birds above sang their song as they flew by.

Godzilla stomped outside and gazed at the sky as well. It was perfect. He caught the attention of his companion who smiled up at him. He lowered his hand for her to step onto. She did so and he moved his arm up. The two stared out at the ocean, seeing the sun reflecting its rays in the cool waters. Suddenly, a large shadow appeared over the horizon.

Cordelia's eyes widened and Godzilla's body stiffened. They both knew this wasn't good. The shadow grew in size, coming closer to the island. Godzilla then set his hand down for Cordelia to step off. As she stepped off, she grew more nervous at the ominous figure heading toward them. Godzilla began to give run to the shore and Cordelia watched on. She still kept her psychic connection with him since it hadn't been severed by either of them.

"Please be careful. I'll do my best to support you from here," she spoke with slight worry telepathically.

"This will all be fine, but thank you," he replied.

The figure's form began to take shape. Large wings in combination of a dragon and birds were causing major gusts of wind. The face and body of the creature was scaled and feathered. A beak was the mouth, and the eyes were that of a dragon. Four feet each with three talons at the ready crashed onto the sandy seashore. The dragon-bird creature screeched, causing Godzilla and Cordelia to stiffen from the piercing sound.

The winged creature began to claw at Godzilla. Godzilla roared in pain from the onslaught and was able to just dodge the other incoming attacks. His dorsal fins began to light up blue starting from the tail, getting ready to use his atomic breath. The mysterious creature bit down on Godzilla's leg, causing him to try out in pain. He used his clawed hands to swipe at the creature. The dorsal fins were all lit, and he then used his blue breath on the creature.

The new titan yelped in pain and backed away from Godzilla, glaring at him for causing burn marks.

"Use your breath again on it!" Cordelia called out. She had a good view of the fight below her. She didn't like the vibes this new creature brought with it.

InterconnectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora