Group chat 🌸

203 1 5

Total Drama babes

Duncan: why is this the chat name? This is shit

Courtney: calm down Dunc. The girls decided to name it that...

Duncan left the chat
Courtney added Duncan to the chat

Courtney: stop that.


Noah: no

Cody: I'm not too sure about that

Mike: we don't need a party for everything

Dawn: but Geoff's vibe is to always party

Geoff: thank you, little witch

Dawn: I never considered myself a witch

Heather: what if we had a couples party. Like for Valentine's Day

Zoey: wouldn't that exclude some people?

Heather: they can get over it🙄

Zoey: that seems a little mean

Heather: ITS NOT OUR JOB TO GET THEM SIGNIFICANT OTHERS. Besides, they could just bring a date for the night.

Gwen: that doesn't sound too bad actually.

Harold: I'll bring Leshawna 😏

Leshawna: sure thing, sugar baby

Brick: Jo... would you like to go with me?

Jo: uhhhh..

Lightning: this is a little 💅

Noah: how do you know what that means?

Lightning: lightning knows everything!

Noah removed lightning from the chat

Jo: thank you, little man

Mike: I'll bring Zoey

Zoey: ☺️

Trent: Gwen and I can come!

Heather: then it's settled. The weekend before Valentine's Day, we have a big date with everyone.

Sierra: I can bring my husbandddd meow 😏

       Noah removed Sierra from the chat

Cody: thank you, babe

Noah: we all wanted to do it.

Dawn: I can come

Cam: who would you bring

Dawn: that's a surprise

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