Noco? NO🤍

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Noah woke up with a raging hangover. After staring at Cody dance for 5 minutes Heather told him it was creepy and he needed to stop before Cody was weirded out.

He didn't remember much after that...

His phone rang which made his head hurt so much worse.

"Hello?" He said in a groggy voice.

"WAKE UP. We have to do damage control since YOU can't hold your tequila," Heathers voice came through.

Damage control? What had he done...

"What do you mean damage control?" He hesitantly asked.

"YOU DONT REMEMBER!?" She yelled through the phone.

"Your yelling doesn't make my head feel any better."

"You told Cody you loved him and he ran out the door, Noah," she explained quieter.

Oh no. Oh no no no no no no no. Noah hung up and screamed into his pillow. He texted her that he'd be over in 1 hour.


"How do I fix this? Cody will never talk to me again," he whined as he laid face down on Heathers bed.

They heard the front door open.

"We're here," Courtney called out.

Bridgette, Courtney, and Gwen walked through the bedroom door.

"Pump the brakes. Since when are you two okay with each other?" Noah asked pointing to Courtney and Gwen.

"We had a long talk last night and realized we needed to get through this together," Gwen explained and toss and arm around Courtney.

"Okay, how bad is the damage?" Heather asked Gwen.

"Cody is freaked out. He doesn't know how to talk to Noah again," Gwen said.

"What am I going to do?" Noah cried out and threw his face back into the pillow.

Heather sat next to him and rubbed his back.

"Maybe you could just go talk to him, Noah," Bridgette said.

"Are you sure he would let me in his house," Noah said but it was muffled in the pillow.

"I'm sure he would if you were alone and maybe take him a present," Gwen suggested.

Noah sat up sniffling, "what would I take him?"



"A teddy bear?"


The girls were yelling out different ideas until Noah got one of his own.

"I know what to take. Thanks girls," he said and ran out the door.

"Were we not supposed to know?" Bridgette looked at the girls and they started giggling.

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