I'll fight for our love part 4 part 2 (FINAL)

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After getting my hair and makeup done, I head back up to my room, locking the door again. As I looked on my bed seeing the other ugly dress, lyle picked out for this 'wedding', scoffing, rolling my eyes, and sitting down on the bed crossing my arms. After sitting there for a while, I hear a whisper coming from outside my window, "psst, psst y'n hey" i hear, furrowing my eyebrows and turning to my head seeing dominik in a tuxedo. "Baby!" I whisper yell in excitement, running to my window and opening it, pulling him inside immediately, closing the window. "How did you get to my window without them seeing you?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair, "I have my ways, hermosa, plus i had to see you" he says, leaning down and kissing me slow as I wrap my arms around his neck. After a while, he pulls away, hugging me "I don't want to do this y'n, I don't want to marry this girl, she's repulsive, annoying and stuck up, I don't love her I love you, I hate your father, i absolutely hate him" I hear his voice crack as I look up seeing him shed some tears. "Oh guapo, please don't cry, I'm gonna figure this out" I say, gently wiping the tears away "I promise you" I say, placing my forehead against his. Holding his face in my hands, kissing him again, the moment gets ruined by a loud banging on the door, "y'n are you ready yet?! come on, everyone from town is starting to arrive!" I hear lyle from the other side of the door yell.

"Shit, baby, you gotta go before him or my father sees you" i say softly pushing him to the window as he shakes his head trying to argue, "you have to if they see you, they kill you for sure I can't lose you, go I'll be fine I promise I'm coming back to you" I say kissing his forehead caressing his cheek, "I love you" he says making me smile " I love you too" I say as he starts climbing down the wall of the house. "Y'n?!" I hear again as I roll my eyes "I heard you the first time lyle I am getting the dress on now" I say, picking up the dress taking it off the hanger and immediately putting it on, looking at myself in the mirror "he's literally trying to make me the laughing stock ugh" I say rubbing my temples to keep from getting a head ache, as I start thinking trying to come up with a plan. "What do I do?, what do I do?, mom, what would you do?" I say looking up, placing my hand on a book on my bookshelf, pulling it down as I hear a humming noise "oh" I say jumping back watching my bookshelf open slowly "no way" I say as I walk in seeing a room completely filled with weapons, guns sledge hammers, machetes, bow and arrows. I look up seeing a plaque hanging on the wall  'for my daughter y'n good luck' she must've made this before this accident in case something happened "thanks mom" I say smiling.

"Y'n come on!" I hear lyle yell again as I gasp moving the book quickly closing up the room, making the bookshelf go back to normal as I unlock the door seeing lyle wearing the most ugly colored print tux I've ever seen in my life. "Finally wow you look amazing" he says kissing my hand as I try to resist cringing away in disgust "whatever" I say walking out of my room with him following right behind me.

           *wedding ceremony*

I am sitting in the front row watching dominik walk down the aisle looking completely miserable, "congratulations man, seems like you type of woman ha ha ha ha" lyle says laughing as I glare at him in annoyance, I feel my dad punch my arm making me groan in pain looking at him as he glares at me, in the corner of my eye I see dominik breathing heavily trying so hard nor ro lose his cole after witnessing my dad hit me like that. As he stops standing at the front of the alter waiting for his 'bride', I look around at everyone who clearly doesn't want to be here, but are very terrified of my dad, cause he could make them lose their jobs since he owns to city, not for long I've got to stop this suffering for all of us save dominik save the town. After a while here comes the bride starts playing as we all rise as watching this girl walk down the aisle, her face is covered in makeup, I mean you can't tell where the makeup ends and her face begins, and the dress well let's not get into that after she reaches dominik I finally decided to make my move and get ready for my plan. "Can you guys move really quick?, I have to use the bathroom" I lie to them as they look at me "now? ugh god fine go hurry up" my dad says as I walk past them up the aisle leading to the house "dearly beloved we are gathered here today" the priest starts as I look back at dominik in the eye as he watches me leave.

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