'Is he for real? Is the head of the institute really throwing a tantrum about being called Lightwood?' Magnus got up from the sofa. He looked at Alec for a bit before he walked up to Alec. Alec's eyes are still on him. He could see Alec's eyes travelling down to his body and back to his face. If he didn't know any better, his delusional self would have thought, Alec was getting flustered seeing him half naked. Who was he kidding? Alec found him repulsive. He was nothing but another disgusting warlock to this angel blooded Nephilim. A monster.

"Because that's who you are to me. Mr. Lightwood, the head of the New York Institute."

"Then why didn't you call me that from the beginning? What changed?"

"Ale.." Magnus cleared his throat. Alecs beautiful and calming scent was too much for him. No matter how hard he tried to act tough or detached, his ridiculous alpha reacted like a lovesick puppy to Alec's pheromones.

"Mr. Lightwood, I made it very clear over the last decade that I saw you as a potential lover interest. I flirted with you, I charged you way less than I normally would, I tried to ask you on dates, I was on beck and call for your service 24/7 and hell, I even asked to court you." Magnus laughed bitterly at that sad and heart-breaking memory. Magnus turned away from Alec and walked up to his bar. He needed a drink if he wanted to continue this conversation.

"Now I think about it, I can see why you were always so uncomfortable around me. For that, apologise. I.." Magnus added gin and dry vermouth into a glass.

"Would you like a drink?" Magnus finally asked Alec.

"No." Alec said before he could stop himself. Magnus shrugged his shoulders and turned back to garnish his drink with a lemon twist.

"Actually, I will have one of those." Alec quickly replied. Magnus turned back and looked over his shoulder. He was not surprised when he heard no, but he was very surprised when Alec said he would like some martini.

"Sure." Magnus replied and turned to make another drink for Alec.

"What I was trying to say is I made you uncomfortable with my flirting to the point you asked help from Catarina to mute your alpha." Magnus turned back with two drinks in his hands. As he walked as gracefully as ever, Alec wondered how Magnus did not spilt a drop on the floor.

"Here." Magnus offered the drink to Alec and didn't wait around to toast. Instead, he went and sat down on his sofa and snapped his fingers. In seconds, now his cold dinner vanished into thin air.

"You are more than welcome to sit down, but if you feel comfortable like that, you are welcome to do that." Magnus took a sip from his drink.

"Thanks." Alec sat on a chair not too far from where Magnus was. Every time Magnus took a deep breath, Magnus's alpha hummed in happiness. The stupid alpha was so happy having Alec around.

"Catarina told you." Alec wasn't accusing, rather he was stating fact. Magnus was glad that Alec was not angry.

"We have been each others best friends over a century, but she is not the one to spread gossip or talk behind someone. She only told me that, so we know what exactly went wrong with your alpha." Even if Alec didn't sound angry, Magnus didn't want to put Catarina in an uncomfortable position.

"Yeah, I understand. Again, thank you for helping me yesterday."

"Anyone would have helped you at that time."


"Back to the original topic as to why I am calling you by your family name rather than your first name is because, after hearing about how far you are willing to go, I decided it is time us we put some space between us. I understand that your alpha reacts to me strongly, and to be completely transparent, so does my alpha. The reason... I dont know, but I am sure some space between us would do some good to us. Also, my advancements towards you will stop from now on. Again, I apologise for making you uncomfortable. I hope you won't mute your alpha, as that would damage your soul. Instead, I hope we can coexist in peace yet have some distance between us." Magnus finally said his piece, and he felt light. He felt as a huge weight was taken away from his shoulders. Was his alpha happy about the decision? No, but it was time Magnus took control and did not listen to the stupid alpha who could not see the difference between an alpha and an omega.

Magnus looked at Alec, and Alec was in deep thoughts. Magnus imagined that Alec probably felt relief after what he had just said. Even though he wanted to hear what Alec had to say, he decided to give Alec enough time to get his words out. Instead, he was surprised to see Alec chugging down the strong drink as it was nothing. Magnus observed Alec with wide eyes as he put down the glass on the table in front of him. Alec looked up at Magnus, and he made a face when he saw Magnus's surprise face.

"Thirsty." Alec tried to justify.

"Sure." Magnus raised both of his eyebrows before he took a sip from his beverage.

"Do I have a saying in this plan?" Alec asked as he started into Magnus's eyes.

"Of course, you do. What would you like? What else would you like me to do? Consider this as compensation for the last decade."

"You don't owe me anything, Magnus. You always have been the one sacrifice, and I have been the receiving recipient for far too long, and I think it is time I should step up. No! it is time that I step up."

Magnus didn't know where Alec was going with this. So, he just kept on waiting for Alec to continue the conversation.

"Magnus, I am sorry. For everything. You are an amazing man, and I believe I have made you feel as if you dont deserve happiness. For that, I am sorry and I want to make up to you."

"There is no need for that, Mr. Lightwood."

"There is! I.. I can't bear it that you call me by my family name. I have been a fool. I didn't listen to my inner instinct, and I have been acting as an even bigger fool, so this time, even if it takes a decade or even more, let me make up to you."

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