Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I pressed the silver button that was situated next to a handwritten sign that read Flat 5 and took a step back to take in the apartment complex.

It towered above me, all ten stories of flats, in grey stone and wooden trimmings. It was nice actually, even though I shouldn't really be surprised, Sonny worked hard and seemed to have good taste.

"Hi, babe. Come up." His voice came through the intercom. Posh. Our front door was a security risk and was left unlocked at all times, hence why Sonny was pounding on the door a few nights ago. No intercom in sight.

I pushed the wooden door open and made my way to flat 5. The butterflies in my stomach were pronounced. This was a big step for a commitmentphobe like me.

Once I was there, Sonny had opened the door before I had chance to knock, or even had chance to turn around and leave, as the nervousness was debilitating.

"Hi." I let out shakily. He didn't seem to notice how nervous I was and led me inside. It was a lovely space. Smaller than I thought it would be, but was decorated well. I wondered how much Sonny had done and how much his roommate was involved in the decisions of the flat.

There was a two seater sofa in the middle of the room, a TV opposite on a black stand, a small kitchen behind the sofa to the right and two doors to the left, right next to each other, assuming they were the two bedrooms.

"Nice place." I said. It was all black and wooden and manly.

"Thanks." He pulled me to him and planted a kiss to my lips. "The guard dog is out at the moment, so we have the place to ourselves." He said with excitement.

"Great." I smiled. Then I took in the smell of the room. A pasta dish? Garlic bread perhaps? Sonny was definitely cooking up some sort of storm. It smelt lovely. "What's for tea?" I stood in the middle of the room. I couldn't help but feel a little awkward as I twirled a strand of brown hair in my fingers. I was such an awkward person at times. It was hard for me to feel comfortable outside of my normal.

"Pasta." Bingo. "And garlic bread." Double bingo.

"Smells nice." I said honestly.

"Come. Sit." He pulled a chair out at the two seater, little and round table beside the grey sofa. I sat down. "Make yourself comfortable." I know he so desperately wanted me to feel comfortable in his space. I suppose he wanted me to come back and feel comfortable enough to be a part of his life fully.

It would take some time. It usually does. But it's something I wanted too, I think.

Come on, Avery, just be normal for once.

I relaxed my whole body and planted a smile on my face.

"How was your day?" I asked. Sonny and I got in to a conversation about our days, his at the office and mine at the pub. Sonny potted around the kitchen to finish off the dinner that he had made.

"Do you have many customers on a week day?" Sonny asked, referring to the pub.

"We do lunch and stuff, so it's mostly people eating and then when the boys over at the building site finish work, they'll come for a few pints afterwards." I said. Sonny put the bowls and the plates on the table. My stomach grumbled as I realised how hungry I was. "This looks so nice." I said.

"I am a man of many talents." He was showing off. "I like cooking. It's fun," he was smiling again. He was always smiling. "Oh, I also forgot to say how beautiful you look today."

"Oh." I blushed. I never took compliments well. I looked at my black skinny jeans and my black tight fitted long sleeve. "You don't look too bad yourself." And truthfully, he didn't. He wore grey joggers and a white tee. He looked relaxed and his boyish charm was highlighted.

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