Before you read

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A few weeks ago I was given a package. Inside, I found three notebooks, relatively small in size, but packed with notes. They each brought a name, Persephone Atchley, and a number from one to three put them in order. Inside the first, there was a note.

"I'm sorry if my thoughts are gonna sound confusing. I wrote for myself at first, I didn't plan to share all of this. Some time ago, I came across something called the 'Multiverse theory'. It was fun to research. I always liked to fantasize about it afterwards. What if the books that we read, or the movies that we watch, were nothing more than a keyhole through which we could get a glimpse of another world? And what if that world keeps on changing and evolving after we're done reading or watching? It was all a fantasy at first, a fun little thought in the back of my mind. As life went on, I started to wish for adventures to find me too, just like it always happened for the characters of the books I read and the movies I watched. The Multiverse theory came in handy during my daydreaming. After some time, the door appeared. And I used it.

During my adventures on the other side, I saw it again. Only once. That time, there was a crystal hanging from the handle, with a note attached to it. What happened after that, you already know. This notes are about all that happened before HQ. Whether you believe my story or not, they are yours to keep. I still got the originals, I made copies trying to fix them for reading. Hope they turned out alright.

If there's one thing that I learned in this journey, it's that things might not always be the way we think they are."

I'll admit, there might've been another incident with the Silver Door before this, and I might be barely involved with it, but that's a story for another time.

I took the notes and put them together in this work. I tried to keep most of the original writing, but I had to integrate a bit here and there to create somewhat of a flow to the story. It seems to follow the events we see in the movie trilogy called Transformers directed by Michael Bay, although some things take a different turn. The technology described in these notes seems to be a bit more advanced than what the movies show, but it might just be a peculiarity about that specific reality Persephone Atchley writes about. I copied down everything here in hope that it'll reach all the right people. If you feel drawn to this story for some reason, maybe you were meant to read it. If not, maybe it will mean something more to you someday.

Following up is the integrated copy of the first notebook.


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