Chapter 2 - Got into a Fight

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3rd Person's POV:

*splash* *splash* A pair of shoes splashed against the puddle of water as they sprinted away. More groups of splash sounds were heard and numerous pairs of shoes followed suit. A hooded figure took a turn almost losing balance due to the water puddles on the road. The wind rushed against their face making their hood slide down due to the pressure, revealing milky white hair. The boy was soaked to his bones as the rain showed no sign of stopping soon. "Over there!" He heard some yells and ran faster but bumped into a wall hitting his shoulder. He balanced himself again and took a right turn. He went past the ally only to meet with a dead end. He turned around immediately wanting to take another route, but stopped as he spotted those men who just reached there. 

"Where will you run now, brat?" Even though the man was talking loudly, it reached his ear muffled due to the heavy rain. Sora took out his knives, the metal glistened under the old street lights in the alley. Silence took over the place as the rain slowly came to a stop. Two men came forward swinging their knives at him as the white-haired kid dodged them one after the other. Sora kicked one of them and the man fell on another one. He gritted his teeth and stabbed one of them in his gut and the other in his throat. He pulled the knives while glancing at the others who were too stunned to move. 


The clouds cleared as the moon returned to its full glory passing its light to the dead night. The kid breathed heavily trembling due to the sheer cold. His hair glistened white, the red blood highlighting a deadly crimson on some of the bangs. It didn't belong to him. But to the ones that were lying in the pool of blood. There was too much blood that the water from the rain couldn't disperse it any further. The blood soon reached his feet as the boy couldn't keep himself up anymore. He fell to his knees while shivering in pure shock. The sight in front of him didn't let him keep himself sane. He gagged as he tried to look away. The dead one's open eyes peered into his soul as if wanting to eat him alive. He pulled his hair and clenched his eyes tight while trembling. "It's all your fault that we're dead..." He heard the corpse's voice echo in his head. He shook his head in denial messing up his white hair. "No! I didn't mean to..." He trailed off as the words kept on echoing in his mind. "It's all your fault" He heard different voices chanting the same sentence again and again.

Sora's POV: 

Sora's POV: 

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"... It's all your-" I woke up abruptly as I sat up on my bed breathing heavily. I looked around to find myself on my bed covered in white sheets. I rested my head on my right hand to calm myself down, taking deep breaths. "It's... that dream again..." I turned to my nightstand and shakily took the glass which was resting on it. I gulped down the water. They hit cold down my throat. I sighed and glanced at the clock which read '6 am'. I looked to my right side at the closed curtains as I rested my left palm on the back of my neck. 

I took off the covers and stepped on the cold floor, which tingled my bare feet as I felt comfortable. I made my way into the kitchen and filled my glass with water. I took a seat at the dining table and gulped down the water again, this time in a relaxed way. "Tch. Thanks to the nightmares, I'm barely getting any sleep these days." I kept the empty glass on the table as a bit of memory from last night crossed my mind. It was about 3 am, in the morning when I could finally get a wink... I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, to get ready for school not having anything else to do.

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