09 - stars

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George paused in surprise and turned to me. He slowly came towards me and placed his hands on my waist.

"Yes my love?"

Instead of answering, I wrapped my arms around his neck and let them rest loosely at the back, after all I still had the bridal bouquet in my hand. George immediately pulled me closer to him and kissed my temple.

"I don't want to get in just yet, I don't want to leave this moment just yet. Let's stay away from all troubles just for one more moment."

"Whatever you want babe."

We slowly rocked back and forth to the quiet sounds of music that could be heard through the open windows of the ballroom. Everything was perfect at the moment. I had had a wonderful day, with a wonderful family, and now I was standing here with the man I loved more than anything, dancing under the stars. 

However, this time of day was also quite cool and I quickly got goosebumps. Without breaking our proximity, George carefully took off his jacket and hung it around me, then pulling me very close to him again. I looked at him with a grin and adjusted it. His eyes immediately fell back on the bridal bouquet and he had to smile.

"One day I will call you my wife, Annabelle Bruck." George breathed against my lips and I immediately got goosebumps, which was more due to the words coming out of his mouth than the proximity.

An image of Berger in Spielberg suddenly appeared in my head, putting his lips on mine and I recoiled in shock. George quickly moved away and looked at me apologetically.

"I'm sorry I didn't want to"

I stepped towards him and placed my lips on his before he could finish the sentence. I wanted it and I needed it, even if my body wouldn't allow it. Images of Berger flashed into my head and I began to tremble. 

George returned the short, deep kiss before pulling away and looking at me worriedly. The watch on my wrist beeped softly and I saw that my heart rate was definitely too high. Images of the afternoon in Spielberg came back to me and I had to crouch down because I was afraid of falling over.

"Where are your pills?" George shouted in panic and opened the trunk where my bag was.

Gasping for breath, I gave him instructions and less than half a minute later he was standing in front of me with a water bottle and the tablets. He quickly unwrapped one and handed it to me so I could swallow it. 

Concerned, he stroked my back and took the bridal bouquet from me, which he placed in the front of the car. He then held out his hand for me to stand up and together we leaned against the hood of the car, me in George's arms. 

My breathing slowed down again and my heart stopped racing that fast. Sighing, I looked at the stars and thought back over the last few minutes. I didn't regret what I had done at all, it was long overdue, but unfortunately my body didn't react as expected. 

I was hoping that when I felt George's lips on mine there would be nothing else on my mind, but I was wrong, unfortunately.

"Why did you do that?" George whispered as he gently stroked my disheveled hair.

"I had to, I needed this."

A soft sigh could be heard.

"Me too. Although unfortunately it didn't go so well, I found the kiss more than beautiful."

A tentative smile appeared on my lips and I snuggled even closer into George's chest. I knew that there wouldn't be such a kiss in the near future, I wasn't ready for it yet. Well, I actually was, but unfortunately my body and my thoughts thwarted my plans. 

Stronger Together | George RussellWhere stories live. Discover now